Promising start for the student-coordinated project biORAKEL
On Thursday, March 13th, biORAKEL opened for the second time the doors of K1/K2 at the Department of Biology, UiB to all biology students in the need of help with lab journals and preparation for exams. Amazingly, It did not take more than 15 minutes to fill up the room!
“- This is a fantastic and promising for our student-coordinated project. We couldn’t expect a better way to start biORAKEL”, Jonathan Soulé says. Soulé is bioCEED coordinator in the steering board of biORAKEL. “We were convinced that some young students would appreciate some help at a time where deadlines for lab reports and midterm exams put more pressure on their shoulders. What we were less sure about was how many students would be interested in seeking help from peers”.

Oracle Terje Alming assisting students.
Some students do not feel comfortable asking questions directly to their teachers but feel more free to do so with lab assistants. biORAKEL builds on this and creates an open space for exchange of knowledge, tips and skills between students within a same age-class. Using their recently-acquired knowledge and experience from the past couple of years, oracles are able to relate to the students’ problems. Then they can orientate them towards a solution based on what has been successful for themselves.
The appreciation after the second session of biORAKEL was unequivocal:
” – biORAKEL is definitely a good concept!”, a student said.
And apparently, according to Jenny Neuhaus, oracle, this does not make only the students happy:
“- I have the impression that I have been able to provide help to many students today, and that feels incredibly good!”, she said.

Students getting feedback from oracle Jenny Neuhaus.
About biORAKEL:
biORAKEL is a student-coordinated project supported by bioCEED where oracles (experienced biology students) advise younger students on subjects taught at the Department of Biology, UiB. Read more about biORAKEL at