Editorial letter
Time for the last newsletter of 2022. It seems like the year has disappeared fast and I guess that means we have all been very active with our various projects. The bioCEED newsletters have come thick and fast throughout the year and have made for a fascinating and colourful read every time. The new layout…
SFU – network gathering in Bergen in November
Attending the SFU network gathering as students offered us a rare look into the world of teachers and the problems they face trying to engage students while cultivating a positive learning environment. A standout of the meeting was the talk regarding student involvement in a course’s curriculum. As bioCEED student representatives, we have deeper involvement…
Cooperative Learning – an Interview with Anja Møgelvang
A successful first semester for UNISOracle!
The aim of the UNISOracle is to create a forum at UNIS where bachelor students can discuss, and reflect on relevant topics from their courses, and get help to develop their general skills by for instance creating presentations, posters and practicing presenting together with their fellow students. This semester UNISOracle was organized by Sine-Sara Astad,…
Teaching palaeoecology
In November a special issue was published in Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution on the theme “Teaching palaeosciences to future generations”. Anne Bjune was one of the editors. Palaeosciences covers many disciplines (biology, geology, geography) and student training happen in a wide range of environments. This can potentially be pedagogical challenging. In the special issue some…
BIO Teachers Retreat 2022
bioCEED hosted a teachers retreat for BIO at UiB 28 and 29 November in Voss. This two-day meeting was organized around the theme of “Assessment,” and to that end we discussed grading policies and costs (Anne Bjune and Sigrunn Eliassen), evidence-based assessment and test anxiety (Sehoya Cotner), and updates from the 100 Club on the…
Open, Reproducible, and Transparent Science Course
In November, we held a course on Open, Reproducible, and Transparent Science in Ecology at the Biological Research Station at Finse. The course was a collaboration between bioCEED (University of Bergen), GBIF Norway and Living Norway with teachers from NINA, NTNU, UiO and UiB. The course was aimed for PhD students and offered hands-on training,…
Learning Forum 2022 – Education for Sustainability and Digital Tools
In October we were thrilled to welcome all back to our Learning Forum at UNIS, the 9th in (almost) a row since 2013. A total of 74 participants had signed up for the Learning Forum this year, including a group of bioCEED people from Bergen also contributing this year with keynotes, talks, workshops, poster presentations…
New records for the Student Poster Symposium at BIO
One more semester ends with a fantastic Student Poster Symposium at BIO. In so many ways, the Fall 2022 edition of the symposium was exceptional. First by the number of posters presented (54 – a new record), but also by the size of the audience who participated in the sessions and by the quality of…
Co-operative Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics and Science Education: A Scoping Review
Abstract To cope with an unpredictable future, higher education in mathematics and science (MS) needs to educate a knowledgeable and skilled workforce. Co-operative learning (CL) is a teaching method associated with increased academic achievement and development of generic skills. Thus, the purposes of this scoping review are to assess the evidence base of CL in…
SCOPE 2022 – the Student-led Conference on Polar Environments was a full success
On 6 and 7 October 2022, SCOPE took place for the second time at the University of Svalbard. This year SCOPE was a 2-day long conference within total 75 people participating. SCOPE is a conference organized for students by students, which makes it a very low-pressure environment. There were various presentations about marine biology, space…