Every semester since 2019, the Student Poster Symposium at BIO has invited students enrolled in one of seven courses (see Box) to present and discuss their scientific work in an interactive poster session. These poster sessions are open to all. For its latest edition, 140 students in BIO241, BIO299, MOL231, SDG214 and SDG215 were listed…
bioCEED welcomes new Deputy and farewell to outgoing!
We are delighted to welcome our new Deputy Steve Coulson to bioCEED! Even though many employees at UNIS know Steve from before as he used to work at the Arctic Biology (AB) Department at UNIS for 10 years (2005-2015) with research focus on the invertebrate communities of the Arctic, he is new within the bioCEED…
unisBREAKFAST and Seminar in the Arctic – Navigating the CoVid-19 Restrictions
Another semester has come to an end at UNIS, and although we hoped that things would be back to normal this semester, it was not so. However, this would not stop us from having unisBREAKFAST and bioCEED seminar! Although it was a it tricky and a lot of restrictions to take into consideration, we managed…
Reflections on practice: How Corona and Canvas were helping tools in a course development
Lo and behold, this spring it finally happened: The students in the Arctic Environmental Management Course (AB-203) confirmed that the UNIS course had a “clear red line”. AB-203 used to have a lot of topics and many guest lecturers visiting UNIS, and as a result struggled to follow a red line. This year I was…
Can we handle a pandemic? Sure, as long as we can keep Waffle-Wednesdays.
That is what we working in biORACLE would say if someone asked us if we were ready for this hot mess. But we couldn’t. We couldn’t keep Waffle-Wednesdays. The last year has been strange times for waffle-loving students. The pandemic has made us lose touch with who we are as a society. Norwegian culture doesn’t…
Bikuben student journal is coming soon!
Next semester, we are launching the first edition of Bikuben – a scientific journal for students at BIO. We want to publish a wide range of products representing all directions at BIO – from scientific articles and reviews, to video essays and artwork. These products can be modified versions of course-related assignments and projects, or something…
A new course is in development: Leading Educational Change – through SoTL
Together with fellow SFU iEarth, we work with many individuals engaged in educational change initiatives. To better support these colleagues, specifically those in leadership roles, bioCEED and iEarth, and our partners in STEM education at Lund University, we are offering a new course. Leading Education Change—through SoTL will support the growth of skills and competences…
Læringsfestivalen 2021 – an inspiring arena for learning and teaching development
Læringsfestivalen is an important arena for teachers and others who are involved and interested in teaching and educational development and where people can exchange knowledge, experiences and educational research results. The festival is organized by NTNU and Diku and this year it went fully digitally with well above 200 participants across different educational institutions and…
UNISprout is back on track!
Hurra, UNISprout is back, and it is better than ever! Are you wondering what UNISprout is all about? Here’s a quick overview of the project: UNISprout is a bioCEED funded project, designed to support the planned fieldwork of Guest Master and PhD students by offering Bachelor students the opportunity to act as a field assistant.…
ISSOTL21 call for proposals
The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 17th annual conference, which will be hosted virtually from Perth, Western Australia from October 26 to 29, 2021. The theme of ISSOTL21 is Sustainable Education through SoTL: Practices and Cultures, selected to call our attention to SoTL’s contribution to developing…
A Special Issue for Extraordinary Times (PART II): Taking Learning Online in Ecology and Evolution
As I have previously discussed, I was part of a three-person team of Associate Editors tasked with managing the submissions to this Special Issue: Taking Learning Online in Ecology and Evolution. The first installment was released late last week, and the second volume of contributions came out in April. For examples, Eva Humphries and Jason…
Debating the Act relating to universities and university colleges
The new Act relating to universities and university colleges (NOU 2020:3) is to be passed by the Norwegian Parliament this month. As a Centre for Excellence in Education, we have both experience and expertise in what hinders and what supports development of good teaching and learning. We have previously voiced concerns over several elements in the…
bioCEEDsters : Simone Lang
My name is Simone Lang and I am an Assoc. Prof. at Arctic Biology, UNIS, doing research on bryophytes and lichens: how they are affected by climate change and how they, in turn, feedback to climate via their ecosystem functions. Starting in bioCEED has triggered many new ideas. Already some time ago, I discovered my…