bioCEEDsters : Simone Lang

Photo: Stefano Unterthiner
My name is Simone Lang and I am an Assoc. Prof. at Arctic Biology, UNIS, doing research on bryophytes and lichens: how they are affected by climate change and how they, in turn, feedback to climate via their ecosystem functions.
Starting in bioCEED has triggered many new ideas. Already some time ago, I discovered my interest to improve my writing. The Covid-situation and resulting cancellation of courses in 2020 opened a new window in teaching. As we had many new PhD students at Arctic Biology at UNIS, I took the opportunity to start a writing workshop with them. This workshop was mainly based on Joshua Schimels book “Wiring Science – how to write papers that get cited and proposals that get funded”. We started the workshop in spring 2020 and continued into 2021. The first outcomes were presented at the UNIS Learning Forum and were received with great interest.
I will further pursue to improve my writing skills and that of others. Our ideas will be useful both for bioWRITE, for future writing courses and when integrating them into our student courses.