Developing evidence-based mentoring for better STEM work placements (DEVELOP)
This week we had some great news. Our proposal for the HKdir call Økt arbeidsrelevans i høyere utdanning (Increased work relevance in higher education) was funded! We are excited to get started on developing evidence-based mentoring for better STEM work placement along with an excellent team of partners in 2022! DEVELOP is a three-year program,…
First Student Poster Symposium in Person in 2 Years!
At last came the opportunity to hold the Student Poster Symposium at BIO in person. We had to wait two years, but it was definitely worth it! No less than 170 students, teaching assistants and teachers contributed to the symposium with 31 posters and 11 extended oral presentations resulting from the intensive work of either individuals…
HK-dir podcast on “Students as partners” with our student partner Pernille Eyde Nerlie
Are you curious about how students contribute to the work of bioCEED? And what the difference is between students as partners and student involvement? Then listen to this episode of the podcast from HK-dir – Kvalitetstid: Hvordan får man til studentpartnerskap i utdanning (in Norwegian)? For ten years, the Centres for Excellence in Education have…
Celebrating Ten Years of the SFU Scheme
Ten years of promoting excellence in education is worthy of celebration. Thus, HKDir invited the SFUs to a Network meeting and 10 year anniversary celebration in Oslo 10 and 11 November. Seven bioCEED representatives joined members of each of the other SFUs and HKdir to mark the occasion and look back at what SFUs have…
New publication on the role of motivation for academic functioning.
A new study has been published by several bioCEED members. The study is based on a national representative survey conducted among biology students in Norway in 2018. A total of 406 students across all higher education institutions that offers a general biology education responded on this survey. The researchers were interested in whether students´ goals…
Today’s breakfast: Macro zooplankton and solar protons on waffles
In the morning of 9th of November, 49 UNIS students gathered in Møysalen to participate in this autumn’s unisBREAKFAST. Provided with sandwiches, waffles, and fruits, we were given two engaging talks from PhD students of the Arctic Biology and Arctic Geoscience department. Robynne Nowicki took us with her into the Arctic ocean on a mission…
Leading Educational Change… through SoTL
With the 2021/2022 academic year, we are trying a new type of collegial teaching course. This new offering, Leading Educational Change…Through SoTL is innovative along multiple dimensions. The course involves academic-change leaders from several institutions, representing a collaboration between bioCEED and iEarth, and is led by bioCEED and iEarth faculty from UiB and Lund University…