Category: October 2021

We miss our UNIS colleagues already!

We miss our UNIS colleagues already!

Is there a better way to celebrate the loosening of covid restrictions than an impromptu visit to Svalbard? The answer is NO. Several of the UiB-based crew (along with the new iEarth coordinator, Thea Krossøy) joined our northernmost colleagues for the UNIS Learning Forum the 5th and 6th of October....

First published contribution to Bikuben student journal

We are happy to finally share the first published contribution to Bikuben student journal

“Let’s talk about sex: Exploring evolutionary explanations for the persistence of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes”

In this text from his studies, Mads. S Michalsen summarizes some of the leading explanations of why sexual reproduction has persisted through evolutionary time, despite the apparently high costs (compared to asexual reproduction).

New faces in the bioCEED UNIS family!

Marlena Wegner and Samira Terzenbach are the new bioCEED student representatives at UNIS during the fall semester. Marlena Abril Wegner is currently a bachelor’s degree student in Biology. Her home university is the Freie Universität in Berlin. Since July, she is studying at UNIS where she follows two courses, AB...