bioCEED at UNIS has now launched an exciting project – UNISprout where biology students can gain practical training within 40 hours in the field of Biology. The project is similar to the already existing project bioSPIRE in Bergen and aims to:
- help bachelor students in biology (the “sprouts“) get a taste of practical biology by participating in a more experienced student’s project on the field or at the lab
- give Master and PhD students the chance to inspire the younger ones by inviting them in their project and communicating their passion, while they get a bit of help collecting samples or data
- facilitate networking for students within the department and between different levels of education
The last couple of months the project group has been working hard to get the project up running and by now we have three projects waiting for bachelor students to join in on. The initiative to start up UNISprout came from our bioCEED student representative Ørjan Vabø who is a bachelor student at UNIS this semester. As a former student at UiB, he is well known with the student-driven project bioSPIRE in Bergen and thought this would be useful for students as well at UNIS. Even though UNIS is a small university centre, it is not always easy for students to orient themselves within the opportunities that exist at UNIS. Hopefully UNISprout can contribute to support students to get more practical experience, as well as create an understanding of working skills that are needed within the discipline.
For more information, visit UNISprout at or contact Tina Dahl at