bioWRITE – helping students with academic writing
The goal of bioWRITE is to provide a common resource in the academic writing education at BIO. Currently, the site includes instructions on how to write in the IMRaD-format (Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion); it also covers different genres within science communication such as lab reports, blog posts and posters, and general writing tips under the header ‘writing skills and tools’. We encourage teachers to use bioWRITE in combination with their course-specific instructions when giving out written assignments, and we encourage students to use bioWRITE as an aid when writing.
Considering the times we are in, we are trying to push forward with the development of bioWRITE and come with new additions as fast as possible. We want there to be examples, exercises and links to other good resources for you to use. This also means that any input in the form of website text, relevant online exercises or improvements in general, is now more welcome than ever! Please let us know if you are interested in helping to improve this website so we can make online teaching as good as we can (email:
You find the website here: or
Best wishes,
Dagmar and Martine