On a quest for revolution!
In November, Vigdis Vandvik, Lucas Jeno and other critical voices were invited to a NOKUT seminar to discuss future developments of Studiebarometeret. This was based on a previous written op-ed in Khrono back in Febrauary where bioCEED demanded a “full revolution” of the Norwegian national student questionnaire Studiebarometeret.
The reason for this? We believe the time is ripe to refocus Studiebarometeret from the current questions that largely revolve around student satisfaction to completely new questions that dwell into factors that actually matter for student learning, motivation, and educational quality more generally. Our main take-home message was that research-based questionnaires for many relevant aspects of educational quality do exist, and we should use them in Studiebarometeret to get better data and more targeted guidance on how to improve higher education And while we were at it, we also suggested better analytical approaches, open data sharing, and better coupling to other quality systems nationally and locally to ensure that the data will be used to their full potential. After all, our students put considerable effort into answering these questionnaires, and they deserve that we do our very best to ensure that their efforts result in data they share with us share can and will be used!
It was a very inspiring seminar,and we were excited to get lots of positive feedback based on our presentation. We have to wait to see if the revolution will indeed happen, and if our suggestions are taken up, but we at bioCEED are prepared to contribute to improvements in Studiebarometeret!
To watch the webinar “Videreutvikling av Studiebarometeret» click here.
To read the post in Khrono click here