Dark season blues goes well with coffee, buns, and a crackling fire

Photo: Vendela Hergot
The arctic winter is approaching our little community and will soon fully embrace the daily life of the students. To break up the moody vibes a bit, the bioCEED student representatives Christina and Daniela at UNIS organized the traditional unisBREAKFAST. Once again students at the University Center in Svalbard UNIS gathered in the early hours of a fairly dark day up here at 78° North to enjoy breakfast together whilst listening to presentations from fellow students.
With the calming sound of a crackling fire in the background in the UNIS canteen, everyone enjoyed getting together and enjoying the by now obligatory cinnamon buns with some freshly brewed coffee.
In Møysalen, the largest lecture hall of the building, space physics graduate Markus guided us through his process of choosing a topic for his thesis and post-grad work. In his particular case, the phrase “it’s not exactly rocket science” would not apply. 😉 After a short leg-stretching coffee break, we stayed “spacey” in way, when marine biologist and UNIS graduate Vanessa introduced us to the alien world under the sea ice, not leaving out some advice on decision making in the transition phase of student to work life.

Photo: Daniela Walch
With the CoVid-19 regulations still in place, certain precautions had to be taken into account. We are however lucky enough to still be able to conduct this networking event for the students (bachelor, master, and PhD).
Daniela Walch and Christina Hess