New student representatives at BIO and UNIS!
This semester the bachelor students Mari, Raghild, Nanna and Renate are joining in the bioCEED team. The student representatives are an important part of bioCEED and come from both BIO at University of Bergen and from AB at UNIS. Their main responsibility is to be a link between bioCEED and the students, to contribute to bioCEED activities and prosjects. They also represent the students on the bioCEED board and bioCEED steering commitee. Welcome!
Mari Vold Bjordal
Mari is a master student from UIB and the student representative for the biology students at BIO. She is now doing a master in Marine Biology. During her time as a bachelor student at UiB she have had a study abroad period in New Zealand. Her main bioCEED focus is that students should get more practical experience through their education and that students should be more actively involved in the teaching as well. Mari was a student at the work practice course BIO298 and have blogged about her experience – you can read about it here.
Ragnhild Gya
Ragnhild is the deputy student representative in bioCEED Bergen. She is a student at the Integrated Teacher Programme with Master in Science (Biology). She is doing a master project with the Ecological and Environmental Change Research Group, where she is studying plants and carbon. As a teacher student Ragnhild is very passionate about the quality of the biology education at UIB and is happy to have a voice within the bioCEED team.
Nanna Devantier
Nanna is a bachelor student from the University of Copenhagen and is studying Arctic Biology this fall at UNIS. She is used to large classes and a high degree of lecturing at her home university and says that she enjoys the small classes and the different way of teaching at UNIS. As a student representative in bioCEED she hope to influence the biology education and like the close interaction between students and teachers through bioCEED.
Renate Alling
Renate is a bachelor student from UIO and is studying Arctic Biology at UNIS this semester. Renate has been involved in different types of student organizations /committees and this year she is involved in planning the RealKarriere 2017 at UIO where students meet worklife. Her primary interest in bioCEED is to be a voice for the students opinions about teaching and learning, and to be able to influence the biology education.
Find out more about the bioCEED team – take a look here.