Student workshop: the student’s perspective on the Bachelor’s program in Biology

Photo: bioCEED/UiB
BIO students were invited to a two-day workshop on how to make the best biology education for the future. On October 28th and 29th, in the midst of a busy semester, 18 students spent two whole days working on the bachelor degree in biology. They used the 5-step model of Design Thinking, providing us with valuable insight on the student perspective of the BSc degree. They collaborated in groups on the themes learning environment, research activity in education, and generic skills and employability. During the workshop, the students also interviewed their fellow students, professors at BIO and representatives of the workforce. They made prototypes suggesting solutions to what they saw as challenges in the BSc degree as it is today, presenting their solutions to a panel on the last day.

16 students participated to the two-day workshop. Photo: bioCEED/UiB

Students presenting their models and point of view to the jury and the audience.
Photo: bioCEED/UiB
This was the first workshop in the newly started DIKU-founded project on student active learning called “Student-active research and generic skills in (re)design of the biology education” that is to run for 3 years in collaboration with UiB Læringslab. The students’ feedback during this workshop is part of the process of gathering data to ensure a good process of (re)design, and gives us a valuable insight in the student’s perspective.