Relevant events

Fremragende undervisere – seremoni 1. juni

Det matematisk-naturvitenskaplige fakultetet meritterer de første Fremragende undervisere (Excellent Teaching Practitioners) i en seremoni 1. juni 2017, kl. 11:30 i Universitetsaulaen ved UiB.

Mer info:

EuroSoTL 2017 – – Transforming patterns through the scholarship of teaching and learning, Lund, 08-09 June 2017

More information, programme and proceedings:

Prosjektet Kompetansedeling for studenters suksess i høyere utdanning arrangerer to arbeidsseminarer:

13.-14. juni: Arbeidsseminar Analyse/statistikk (Quality Hotel Olavsgaard, Gardermoen)
Del 1. Definisjon av frafall
Del 2. Konkrete kvantitative undersøkelser
Del 3. Analysemuligheter- og verktøy
Del 4. Store datamengder og hensynet til personvern

15.-16. juni: Få organisasjonen med (Quality Hotel Olavsgaard, Gardermoen)
Del 1 Påstander om frafall
Del 2 Kick off! – Hvordan kommer man i gang?
Del 3 Hvem gjør hva? –  Roller – Kompetanse – Samordning
Del 4 ”Den skjulte læreplanen” eller ”The hidden curriculum”

Følg lenkene for mer informasjon og påmelding.

EAIR 2017 Under pressure? Higher education institutions coping with multiple challenges, 3-6 September 2017 Porto
More information:


European First Year Experience Conference – Learning Gained Through Student-Staff Partnerships- 28th – 30th June 2017, Birmingham

More information:

Weekly/monthly events

bioCEED Research Seminar in Bergen:

Every Friday from 9-10, the bioCEED Research Group presents projects, results, theories, publications or ideas for application in the bioCEED room,  3rd floor of the A-building, Thormøhlensgate 53. If you are curious about the theme of the week, please contact Torstein Hole ( or Lucas Matias Jeno ( Welcome!

bioCEED colloquia/seminars UNIS:

Once a month bioCEED at UNIS aims to have a colloquium or seminar for all employees connected to learning and teaching. Please contact Tina at AB for further information about upcoming seminars at UNIS.

Wednesday 1 February 2017 at 1415 – 1500 in Kapp Schoultz: “Higher Education for Sustainable Development“. Talk by Astrid Sinnes, Assosiate professor in science education, NMBU. For more information: