bioCEED news

Upcoming events – Calendar



May 2024:

Læringsfestivalen, May 27th – 28th, Trondheim



Weekly/monthly events


bioBERG – bioCEED Biology Educational Research Group:


Every second Friday from 11:00-12:00 the bioBERG – bioCEED Biology Educational Research Group presents projects, results, theories, publications or ideas for application in the bioCEED room,  3rd floor of the A-building, Thormøhlensgate 53 – or digitally. If you are curious about the theme of the week,  please contact Sehoya Cotner or Kristin Holtermann




bioCEED colloquia/seminars UNIS:

Once a month bioCEED at UNIS aims to have a colloquium or seminar for all employees connected to learning and teaching. Please contact Tina at AB for further information about upcoming seminars at UNIS.



Fra prat til praksis

Tverrfaglig seminarserie for alle UiB-ansatte som er involvert i undervisning og læring.



Monthly Event Series with The Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (TeLEd) research group