Teach to Learn prepares the new season of video tutorials with students, for students!

Preparing the new set of video tutorials on invertebrate dissections for the course BIO101 (Hedda Victoria Barfod Ørbæk and Jonathan Soulé). Photo A.L. Simonelli, 05/04/2017.
Under the Teach to Learn project, a new series of video tutorials are realized by volunteer students for the course Organismal Biology 1 (BIO101) led by Henrik Glenner, professor at the Department of Biology, University of Bergen. The aim of this new set of video tutorials is to better prepare BSc students for their lab course. Through these video tutorials, BSc students will be introduced to the different organisms they will have to dissect during their lab course and will be guided on how to proceed.
Under the guidance of the TE2LE team, 6 tutorials in Norwegian language are currently being produced on the following dissections:
- Freshwater mussels
- Crayfish
- Starfish
- Grasshopper
- Earthworm
- Squid
The Teach to Learn team (Anne-Laure Simonelli and Jonathan Soulé), invites BSc and MSc students for some acting after Easter (weeks 18 to 21). This will take a couple of hours of your time and help hundreds of future BSc students in Biology who will watch and learn from your video tutorials!
For more information please contact Anne-Laure Anne-Laure.Simonelli@uib.no or Jonathan Jonathan.Soule@uib.no.
We’re looking forward to some collaborative work together!
Anne-Laure & Jonathan.