bioCEED well-represented at the “MNT-conference 2017”
This year’s MNT-conference “Transformative education” took place in Oslo, Hotel Soria Moria on March 30th-31st. bioCEED contributed with 10 articles and corresponding presentations as well as an overview of the goals and activities of the Centre of Excellence. The full list of contributions and authors is found below with links to the articles published in the special edition of the Nordic Journal of STEM Education.
Korleis få professorar med på ein kollegial SoTL-kultur? – R. Andersson, P. B. Eidesen, Ø. Fiksen, O. Førland, S. Stefansson og V. Vandvik.
- Collegial evaluation of writing as a learning activity in a bachelor programme – Heidi Lie Andersen, Øyvind Fiksen, Lawrence Kirkendall, Sigurd Stefansson.
- Strategies to document active learning practices in biology – Sehoya Cotner, Lucas M Jeno, Cissy Ballen.
- Utnytter vi potensialet for læring og personlig utvikling i feltundervisning? – P. B. Eidesen, A. Vader og J. E. Søreide.
- Hvordan teknologi bidrar til biologi-studenters motivasjon og læring – L. M. Jeno, J.A. Grytnes og Vigdis Vandvik.
- Developing work placements in a discipline education – G. Velle and T. Nielsen Hole.
- Numerical competence and quantitative skills in biology education – S. Eliassen, J. Kolding, J. Smedmark, and V. Vandvik.
- Sense and sensibility in workload calculation – Jonathan Soulé, Oddfrid Førland, and Tina Dahl.
- Norway’s gender gap: classroom participation in undergraduate introductory science – Cissy Ballen, Marie Danielsen, Christian Jørgensen, John-Arvid Grytnes, and Sehoya Cotner.
- Kan integrering i fagmiljøet øke motivasjon hos studenter? R. Gya og M. V. Bjordal.
- bioCEED – Senter for fremragende utdanning i biologi

From left to right: Jeppe Kolding, Øyvind Fiksen, Roy Andersson, Sehoya Cotner, Jonathan Soulé, Cissy Ballen, Gaute Velle, Lucas Jeno, Daniel Kristensen; front row: Ragnhild Gya, Mari V. Bjordal.
NB: All articles submitted to the conference are available HERE.