Teach2Learn: New video tutorials available
Teachers of the course BIO216 – Toxicology can now benefit from of a newly created video tutorial to help students preparing for the practical part of the course.

Photo: Jonathan Soulé and June Gudmestad are getting ready to record a tutorial aiming to help students to prepare for the lab part of the course BIO216 – Toxicology.
Video tutorials are implemented in various courses at the University of Bergen and at the University Centre in Svalbard through the Teach2Learn project. Anne-Laure Simonelli, coordinator of the project, systematically evaluates the use of videos at three different levels: educators, students producing the video tutorials and students as end users.

Photo: June presents the different steps students will have to perform during the lab.

Photo: Students watching the newly created video during a lecture given by Karina Dale to introduce the practical course in BIO216 – Toxicology. University of Bergen, Feb 2018.
Watching the video, students in BIO216 are introduced to the different activities they will perform in the lab. After seeing the video, they answered a quiz prepared by the teachers as advised by A.L. Simonelli. All students answered the five questions correctly except for one student on one question. This leads to a success rate of 98,7 % which highlights the reached objective of ensuring students focusing their attention on relevant information. Indeed, one of the aims of Teach2Learn towards the end users’ students is to improve their motivation and preparation to the lab part of a course. The use of video tutorials and quizzes as additional teaching material prior to lab activities should ultimately aim to facilitate students’ active learning while in the lab.
The video tutorials contribute to the bioCEED’s digital platform bioSKILLS and are accessible to all at: https://teach2learn.w.uib.no/