bioCEED news

A new blog on teaching and learning in biology



The newly started blog on teaching and learning biology is meant to be both practical (how do I do this?) and research based (almost all blog entries have a small reference list).

You will find:

  • Verktøykasse: A tool box with activities, learning resources, tips & tricks for teaching biology
  • Fugleperspektiv: A bird’s eye view on teaching and learning
  • Ut i jungelen: Recommended links, articles and books as a path into the didactic jungle
  • Menneskedyret i klasserommet: Teaching and learning in an evolutionary perspective (which increases the fun of pedagogy, especially if you have a bit self-irony on behalf of our most teachable animal)

Overall, the blog is meant for sharing. If you know about something, want to know more about something, or maybe write a blog entry about something within the frames of teaching and learning biology, please tell me.

The language is Norwegian, but almost all of the recommended links and articles are written in English.

Jorun Nyléhn

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