Workshop invitation at UiB and UNIS – How to write a well-structured teaching portfolio

bioCEED and iEarth invites UiB and UNIS teaching staff to the workshop “How to write a well-structured teaching portfolio”.

The workshop is led by Anders Ahlberg (Centre for Engineering Education, LTH, Lund University and iEarth) and Roy Andersson (Centre for Engineering Education, LTH, Lund University and bioCEED).

University teachers have different pedagogical skills and show pedagogical abilities in different ways. This is underpinned by the assessment criteria of the reward system Excellent Teaching Practitioner (Framragende underviser/ETP) that is currently implemented at the Science Faculty of UiB. In the ETP process academics apply for the ETP degree through the submission of a teaching portfolio which is assessed by previously rewarded peers from within the science disciplines (interviews based on submitted portfolios).

The workshop is based on nearly two decades of developing and researching scholarly underpinned reward systems, mainly in STEM disciplines at Lund University. It departs from the notion that it may be a considerable and unusual personal challenge to expose ones own teaching practices to peer review.

UIB: 22nd of September 2022. 1215-1500. Place for the workshop will be announced later.  For more information about the UiB workshop click here.

UNIS: 19th of September 2022. 1315-1600 – online. For more information about the workshop click here.

You will find more information about Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP) here (in Norwegian).


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