Category: March 2023

Er du student og interessert i forsking og utdanning?   

Er du student og interessert i forsking og utdanning?   

bioCEED – Senter for framifrå utdanning i biologi, søkjer inntil fem studentmedarbeidarar (fagkonsulentar, 20%-stillingar) som skal bidra til bioCEED sitt arbeid med å fremme studentaktiv læring, forskingspraksis og –aktivitet i undervisinga ved Institutt for biovitskap (BIO). Stillingane vil bidra i pågåande undervisningsutvikling og læringsforsking ved senteret. Ved å delta i dette arbeidet vil fagkonsulentane få direkte erfaring med utviklingsprosessar i eit inspirerande akademisk miljø. Perioden for tilsetting...

Research article on student motivation in higher education

Abstract According to Self-Determination Theory, autonomy support is essential in fostering optimal learning, growth, and functioning in students across all levels. In contrast, autonomy thwarting is associated with student malfunctioning. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the relationship between perceptions of autonomy support and thwarting, students’ autonomous...

Photo of Anja Møgelvang

bioCEED congratulates PhD Anja Møgelvang

Anja Møgelvang successfully defended her doctoral dissertation “Cooperative Learning in Undergraduate STEM Education: Applications and Outcomes” at the University of Bergen on March 14th 2023. We warmly congratulate her for her achievement and new title. Anja becomes bioCEED’s third candidate to complete her degree after Torstein N. Hole and Lucas...

Massive bioCEED representation at MNT-konferansen 2023 in Stavanger

Massive bioCEED representation at MNT-konferansen 2023 in Stavanger

This year’s MNT-konferansen “Utdanning for fremtidens arbeidsliv” took place in Stavanger, Hotel Radisson Blu Atlantic on March 16th-17th. bioCEED contributed with posters, articles and corresponding presentations. The full list of bioCEED contributions and authors is found below. What challenges do students face in introductory STEM courses, and how can instructors help? S.S....

Ocean advocates and educators from around the world on board the Statsraad Lehmkuhl.

bioCEED in Cape Town

In January, bioCEED (via Sehoya Cotner) joined an international group of ocean-science educators in Cape Town, South Africa for “Teaching SDGs and ocean science in higher education.” This three-day workshop was sponsored by the IAU (Association Internationale des Universités) Higher Education and Research for Sustainable Development (HESD) cluster, and the...

Photos of authors Oda, Paulina & Hannah

New article in Bikuben student journal

We are happy to share the latest published contribution to Bikuben student journal “Examining Microalgae as a Substitute to Soybean in the Production of Aquafeed“, a review by Hannah L.A. Gaustad, Oda Bellika Kjæmpenes, Paulina Pokusa. “Soybeans are a valuable resource for aquaculture because they can be used in aquafeed....

Listen to Pernille Bronken Eidesen talking about alternative forms of assessments developed through the FieldPass project

Listen to Pernille Bronken Eidesen talking about alternative forms of assessments developed through the FieldPass project

Are you looking for new ways to assess students’ practical skills and generic competencies from lab and field teaching? Then listen to an episode from ColdCast – the northernmost podcast in the world hosted by the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS).  At UNIS, a project on how we prepare, assess...