bioCEED news Blog

Annual report 2019

The first of March it was yet again time to submit the Annual report. Writing up a summary of this year’s activities is a challenging and rewarding process. A chance to remind ourselves of our progress – and some failures, and assure that our activies and future plans align with...

bioWRITE – helping students with academic writing

The goal of bioWRITE is to provide a common resource in the academic writing education at BIO. Currently, the site includes instructions on how to write in the IMRaD-format (Introduction, Materials and methods, Results and Discussion); it also covers different genres within science communication such as lab reports, blog posts...

Doing internship at bioCEED

We are two students doing an internship at bioCEED, based at UNIS, during this spring semester. Anne Bruls first came to UNIS as a BSc student in 2016. She is enrolled in a general MSc Biology program in Wageningen, the Netherlands, but her addiction to Arctic Biology led her to...

Digital tools that support online teaching and learning

Digital tools that support online teaching and learning

How we teach, how and where we discuss teaching and learning, has changed a lot during the last weeks. Although there are many challenges, we see that teachers around Norway (and beyond) have found new ways of communicating and sharing – and new conversational partners. Teachers gather in digital rooms...

Vi vil ha full revolusjon: Studiebarometeret 2.0!

bioCEED leader Vigdis Vandvik and colleagues Lucas M. Jeno, Arild Raaheim, Torstein N. Hole and Gaute Velle have written this opinion piece in Khrono: Med årvisse åpne data om tilstanden i norsk høyere utdanning markerte Studiebarometeret et veiskille for sektoren. Nå er tiden moden for neste skritt på veien: Studiebarometeret...

Ny vår for undervisning

bioCEED deputy leader Pernille Bronken Eidesen and BIO’s Øyvind Fiksen were recently interviewed in an article in Forskerforum: – Gode undervisarar er bevisste på kva dei held på med, og dei tenkjer mykje på korleis dei kan bli betre. Det som har gjort meg til ein betre undervisar dei siste...

bioCEED seminar – Helping students grow as disciplinary writers

bioCEED seminar – Helping students grow as disciplinary writers

Interested in learning more about supporting students developing their academic writing? bioCEED invites you to a seminar with Lene Nordrum (Lund University). Wednesday 29th January, 13:15-14:00 at Auditorium 4, Realfagbygget, UiB Disciplinary literacy – how to read, write, and talk in a specific discipline – is the key to knowledge and success in...

Annual teachers’ retreat at BIO

The 6th annual teachers’ retreat was held on Dec 2nd and 3rd 2019 at the Fleischers’ Hotel, Voss, a short train-ride from Bergen. As always, our aim is to promote a collegial teaching culture at BIO. This year, the teachers’ retreat was devoted to the goals and visions for our...

Dark season bioBreakfast

We conducted our second and final bioBREAKFAST of the Autumn semester! As students have become to feel stressed with final exams and presentation and may have been feeling a little blue due to the dark season we thought a cozy bioBREAKFAST would be a nice way to start off the...

Gaining experience as a researcher through UNISprout!

The first UNISprout project was successfully completed at UNIS this fall! Arctic Biology bachelor students Sari Dötterer and Annie Colgan participated in a project to process and identify bryophyte and lichen samples under the mentorship of Associate Professor Simone Lang. UNISprout is a student led bioCEED initiative developed by former...

A short tutorial on how to do a screencast with OBS studio

A short tutorial on how to do a screencast with OBS studio

A quick tutorial has been made on how to do a screencast of a presentation or lecture using the free open-source software, Open Broadcaster Software (OBS). A screencast consists in a video recording of the data or any other visual content displayed on a computer screen, typically with comments in...

New episodes of NOKUT-podden

Don’t miss the new episodes of NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education (in Norwegian) produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education.   The last five episodes are about: Den om merittering av undervisere Den om faglig fellesskap for ansatte og studenter Den om tilbakemelding og veiledning...

The annual Learning Forum at UNIS October 2019

The sixth annual Learning Forum at UNIS was held in October 2019 with around 65 participants joining the forum. Scientific staff, support staff and student representatives enjoyed 2.5 days of discussions, presentations and reflections on teaching and learning. As in previous years, the annual Learning Forum aimed to continue promoting...