bioCEED news

Up and running – bioBREAKFAST UNIS

bioBREAKFAST is a pilot project from the UNIS student representatives at bioCEED directed towards bachelor, master and PhD-students at the biology department at UNIS and funded by NOKUT. The goal with the project is to strengthen the bonds between students at different levels and to exchange and develop knowledge and skills that are useful.

biobreakfast-oppstart-2This month the UNIS bachelor, master and PhD students met to discuss the bioBREAKFAST initiative of the UNIS AB bachelor students. Through this initiative, students at UNIS will meet across levels to discuss topics related to their education. Potential topics were discussed, and the MSc and PhD students were encouraged to suggest what they would like to contribute to the bioBREAKFAST meetings this spring. Suggested topics related to both direct scientific discussions on the PhD/MSc students projects and to more general discussions around which courses/competences the PhD/MSc students find the most relevant for their studies. The first bioBREAKFAST meeting is planned for April, and all UNIS AB students will be invited to attend.

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