Monthly Archive: May 2017

Five university teachers awarded Excellent Teaching Practitioner status at the University of Bergen

As the first Norwegian institution the University of Bergen rewards excellence in teaching practice through the newly established merit system Excellent Teaching Practitioner and Pedagogical Academy. Five university teachers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will be awarded status as Excellent Teaching Practitioner in a ceremony in the University...

bioCEED at EuroSOTL 2017

This year’s participants in the bioCEED course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education will present their group projects in Lund at the conference EuroSoTL 2017– Transforming patterns through the scholarship of teaching and learning, June 8-9. The conference has a very interesting programme, including the papers from the bioCEED...

BioCEED at the Learning festival “Læringsfestivalen” in Trondheim 8-9 of May

The annual Learning festival in Trondheim aimed to introduce new, effective and exciting learning methods in higher education, and inspire and motivate educators to use them.. The program provided a variety of interesting topics, including sessions on for instance flipped classrooms, team-based learning, co-operative learning, and use of “serious games”...

Writing seminar for students at UNIS

Writing seminar for students at UNIS

On the 5th of May, the biology students at UNIS was introduced on how to write scientific papers by Kit Kovacs from the Norwegian Polar Institute. Kit  has, in addition to writing book chapters, reports and popular articles, written over 200 publications, some of them published in journals like Science. During the seminar, Kit touch several themes...

bioCEED research group meeting on organizational ethnography

bioCEED research group meeting on organizational ethnography

On May 12th  the bioCEED research group had a meeting on ethnography, with special focus on organizational and short-term ethnography. Ethnography is one of the main approaches in qualitative method and we discussed how it can be used to investigate teaching practices, knowledge, and culture. Ethnography doesn’t have to be...

Students engaging students during bioBreakfast seminars

The month of May marked the two first bioBreakfast meetings at UNIS. The project is student-led and initiated by bioCEED student representatives Malene Vinnes and Mari Engelstad. The project sets out to bridge the gap between Bachelor-, master- and Ph.D.-students at the biology department at the university center in Svalbard...