On February 7th will biORAKEL start again at the Department of Biological Sciences (BIO). This will be its third semester of existence, and it is looking like a very promising season for the student-driven project funded by bioCEED.
No less than 12 oracles have been recruited this semester. They will work in teams of 4, with broad competence in botany, zoology, fish health, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, etc. Their mission: help younger biology students at the bachelor level overcome difficulties with lab journals, scientific reports, various assignments and more generally understanding concepts in biology.
The recruiting process was challenging this semester. The biORAKEL committee had indeed a “luxury problem”: plenty of applicants, … and a lot of good ones. Not all good candidates could be considered. A large majority of the new oracles are experienced students, since at least 9 of them are currently taking their MSc. degree at BIO.
Last semester, biORAKEL hosted 14 meetings with an average of 23 students per meeting, and with a peak at 45 students. Attendance was higher than during the first semester in 2017, which lets oracles think that the upcoming season will be busy. The key of this success lays certainly in a subtle mix of knowledge and waffles!
Looking forward to the first meeting next week!