Student Poster Symposium at BIO, and beyond…

Once again, over 120 students concluded their semester by contributing to the by now traditional Student Poster Symposium at BIO with a poster and a flash presentation.

Five BIO courses were represented at the event (see info box below), bringing with them topics as various as behavioral ecology, marine biology, molecular biology, sustainable development, cancer research, developmental biology, microbiology, botany, and much more.

For the first time in the history of the symposium, we had a non-biology course with us, namely GEOF338 - Polar Oceanography as course leader Lars H. Smedsrud kindly accepted our invitation, thus making the event even more transdisciplinary! And the 7 students of the course took on the challenge to introduce us to their subject with with enthusiasm and energy.

Anne Bjune, leader for education at BIO, pointed out in her opening speech that this was possibly the starting point for a larger future symposium across the entire Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UiB. Our ambition is indeed to gather several (maybe all) disciplines at the faculty in a broader event where students of many horizons can meet and share the experience and knowledge.


Anne Bjune opens the Student Poster Symposium Spring 2022 at VilVite. Credits: Alicia Donnellan Barraclough.

Students in the audience were asked to provide poster presenters with peer-review feedback on their poster via an electronic form made available with QR codes strategically placed at the venue. This spring, more than 1300 forms were collected; the content of these forms will be shared with the presenters so that they can realize how much their work was appreciated, and get to learn from other's feedback.

All posters from this session are now publicly available at bioPITCH. Note that the posters in SDG214 and SDG215 are also accompanied by a corresponding paper.

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