bioCEEDster: Sine-Sara Astad
Since 2019, I «Sine», have been a part of The University Centre in Svalbard, first as a biology student and then as support staff for the Department of Arctic Biology. I love Svalbard and biology, and I am very happy to be a part of bioCEED this semester at UNIS. I hope to complement Tina and provide a pair of extra hands where it is needed.
I am very eager to learn more about practical training and innovative teaching facilitated by bioCEED. Previously I have worked as an online learning facilitator for the USN Bachelor students during COVID – 19, facilitated a bachelor course at UNIS, and worked as a PADI dive instructor in Thailand.
I am impressed by all the practical training opportunities and involvement provided to students and also the open sharing and learning environment. During the fall, I especially hope to help with focus area 4: Outreach, as UNIS students and staff are hosting several important seminars and meeting points this semester as Scope (Student-led Conference on Polar Environment) and the Learning Forum with this years topic being «Creating a safe learning environment». I will also be helping with the newsletter, updating the virtual field guides, and restarting UNISOracle.
I am excited to get to know all my fellow bioCEEDster, and feel free to reach out and introduce yourself!