Read about bioCEED’s activities in the last SFU magazine.

The latest edition of NOKUT‘s SFU-magazine is out! And it is also the last one as DIKU (The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education) takes over the responsibility for administrating the SFU-initiative from January 1st. Among the many interesting articles in this edition, you will find 2 stories from bioCEED:
- a story featuring Oddfrid Førland (bioCEED coordinator), Anne E. Bjune (Associate Professor at BIO) and Oddrun Samdal (Vice-Rector for education, UiB) about bioCEED’s work and efforts to change the learning culture in biology education,
- a story on the “Excellent Teaching Practitioner”-status and the Pedagogical Academy, both established at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiB in 2017.
In his editorial, Terje Mørland, Director of NOKUT, introduces “Pernille” (aged 42 years), a fictional character – a teacher, of course – who represents the target audience for the SFU-magazine.”NOKUT has always had [her] in mind when producing the magazine”, says Terje. “Which activities, projects and results of the SFU-initiative does Pernille care about? How can we present contents that Pernille may use in her daily teaching? […]”. Terje reflects also on the goals and its achievements throughout 8 years of fruitful collaboration with the now eight Centres for Excellence in Education, and on how NOKUT will continue to work for Pernille in the future. And he concludes: “This last edition is thus a tribute to Pernille”. Whether or not “Pernille” is actually OUR Pernille (deputy leader of bioCEED) is still matter for internal debate… The web-based version of the magazine is available in Norwegian here and below, and the pdf version (also in Norwegian) can be downloaded there.
bioCEED wishes you a good reading!