Spring 2020 Poster Session at BIO
The BIO-courses SDG214 Life below water, SDG215 Life on land, BIO241 Behavioural ecology and BIO299 Research practice in biology had their third open joint student poster session on May 13th. No less that 26 posters were listed for the event which had to happen online this year. Indeed, the corona situation and the strict rules about gathering on campus left no chance to organize it at the department as originally planned.
All participants, both students and teaching staff, met on Zoom while the rest of the world could follow the event live on Youtube. The format was rather simple and effective as presenters were given a 1-minute slot for introducing their work and art for the audience, as they would have done in normal conditions. During the session, everyone had the chance to give feedback using a electronic form and nearly 300 entries were registered by the end of the event. Note that feedback kept flowing in even days after the presentations since all posters were available and visible on the website bioPITCH [1].
The success of the first student poster session during spring 2019 encouraged us to make this a tradition. Designing, making, and presenting a poster together and participating in a poster session are all important transferable skills the students benefit from in their future studies and career. And again this year, the session turned out to be a great success, as dozens of them showed up for their own posters and for their peers'.
Already looking forward to the fall edition :-).

Photo: Katja Enberg

Photo: Dagmar Egelkraut

Photo: Dagmar Egelkraut