Getting ready for the Student Poster Symposium Spring 2022
Here we go again, planning for the upcoming student poster symposium at BIO. This semester, we have the pleasure to invite you to join us at Vilvite on Thursday, May 19th from 12:00 to 16:00.
Over 120 students from 5 biology courses (grey infobox below) will hang their poster(s) at the mezzanine at Vilvite from 12:00, and present their research and artwork to the audience.
You will certainly be fascinated by what our students will have learned and/or experienced during this semester, and what they want to share with you.
5 courses participate to the upcoming poster symposium:
BIO241 – Behavioural ecology
BIO299 – Research Practice in Biology
MOL231 – Project in molecular biology
SDG214 – UN Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life below water
SDG215 – UN Sustainable Development Goal 15: Life on land.
We will start with flash presentations in the auditorium at 12:15, after which all will be free to walk around, discover the posters, and interact with the presenters, student groups, teachers and staff.
All posters will be publicly available at bioPITCH approximately a week before the symposium. In the meantime you can check out posters from the Fall 2021 symposium.