Category: November 2016

ExcelAQUA and FILAMO, two new INTPART projects with bioCEED as partner

ExcelAQUA and FILAMO, two new INTPART projects with bioCEED as partner

INTPART will fund partnerships between Norwegian higher education and research institutions and excellent partners in prioritized countries. Special emphasis is on integrating higher education- and research, and may include business partners.  INTPART is an SIU and Research Council collaboration.   ExcelAQUA – Norway-Japan Partnership for Excellent Education and Research in Aquaculture...

The yearly Learning Forum at UNIS concludes with many new insights and learnings

“This provides me with tools for planning and designing my course”. “People are not so frightened anymore to discuss and share their teaching ideas and experience with each other.” “ There are so many skilled people at UNIS when it comes to practicing good learning and teaching”. “I am definitely going to...

Which qualities do biologists need in their future professional life?

On November 15th, bioCEED invited students to a meeting on the topic “Which qualities are required for future jobs in biology?”. Representatives from companies in the various fields of biology were invited to share their opinion and to answer questions from the audience. Students from both bachelor- and master level...

Four new Centres for excellence in Education

The SFU-family has grown from four to eight Centres for excellence in Education! At the annual NOKUT conference 1st November four new Centres was announced, and bioCEED congratulate and welcome them! CCSE – Center for Computing in Science Education CEFIMA – Centre of Excellence in Film and Interactive Media Arts...

Upcoming events November

Upcoming events November

bioCEED Research Seminar Bergen: Every Friday from 9-10, the bioCEED Research Group is presenting projects, results, theories, publications or ideas for applications in the bioCEED room on the third floor of the A-blokken, Thormøhlensgate 53. If you are curious about the weeks theme please contact Torstein Hole ( or Lucas Matias...

Teach to Learn is at 78° North!

Under the Teach to Learn project, a new series of video tutorials were realized by the BSc students of the Arctic Ecology and Population Biology course (AB204) at the University Center in Svalbard UNIS (78°N latitude) to help their peers with ecological understanding of Arctic shorebirds, their feeding habitat, statistical...