Tagged: LF

The annual Learning Forum at UNIS October 2019

The sixth annual Learning Forum at UNIS was held in October 2019 with around 65 participants joining the forum. Scientific staff, support staff and student representatives enjoyed 2.5 days of discussions, presentations and reflections on teaching and learning. As in previous years, the annual Learning Forum aimed to continue promoting...

Looking back at Learning Forum 2018

From Tuesday, October 16th to Thursday, October 18th, the fifth UNIS Learning Forum took place with 45 participants across the different departments. A variety of themes with different disciplinary perspectives was covered. This year’s Learning Forum aimed primarily at promoting a collegial teaching practice. Eleven members of the academic staff...

Collegial sharing practice – Learning Forum at UNIS in October

Soon it is time for the 5th Learning Forum at UNIS, which will take place from 16 – 18 October. The Learning Forum is an event where the entire UNIS teaching staff can share and gain knowledge regarding research based education, course construction and development. This year the Learning Forum will...

4th Learning Forum at UNIS Oct 2017

This exciting Learning Forum 2017 at UNIS is now come to an end. And here are some of the highlights! Harald Ellingsen, the Director at UNIS welcomed us all to the Learning Forum and sat the frames for the forum by going through the background, status and strategies for education...

Learning Forum at UNIS in October

Soon it is time for the yearly Learning Forum at UNIS, which will take place from 24 – 26 October. This year 65 participants have signed up. The Learning Forum is an event where the entire UNIS teaching staff can share and gain knowledge regarding research based education, course construction...

The yearly Learning Forum at UNIS concludes with many new insights and learnings

“This provides me with tools for planning and designing my course”. “People are not so frightened anymore to discuss and share their teaching ideas and experience with each other.” “ There are so many skilled people at UNIS when it comes to practicing good learning and teaching”. “I am definitely going to...