bioCEED news Blog

Upcoming events November

Upcoming events November

bioCEED Research Seminar Bergen: Every Friday from 9-10, the bioCEED Research Group is presenting projects, results, theories, publications or ideas for applications in the bioCEED room on the third floor of the A-blokken, Thormøhlensgate 53. If you are curious about the weeks theme please contact Torstein Hole ( or Lucas Matias...

Teach to Learn is at 78° North!

Under the Teach to Learn project, a new series of video tutorials were realized by the BSc students of the Arctic Ecology and Population Biology course (AB204) at the University Center in Svalbard UNIS (78°N latitude) to help their peers with ecological understanding of Arctic shorebirds, their feeding habitat, statistical...

Travelogue from ISSoTL conference 2016, Los Angeles

By biology students Renate Alling and Marie Hauso   The ISSoTL conferance this year was held in Los Angeles, with the theme stories of teaching and learning. This year ISSoTL put away some money to fund the conference fee for students to allow them to join the conference, and we...

Sharing work practice experience

Students in workplace practice attended a seminar in October where they discussed their experiences in the workplace. The students could exchange perspectives and experiences from their workplace practice which is now approaching the end. Among other things, the students talked about how they have been able to work with genuine...

Call for applications: bioCEED small grants

bioCEED works to develop, test and document the impacts of new teaching and learning methods in biology. You can now apply for small grants of up to 50 KNOK from bioCEED to support research and development projects in biology education. Who can apply: Biology teaching staff employed in Norwegian universities...


The third edition of our #LearningBiology2016 photo contest ended on September 15th. The awarded pictures were all submitted on Instagram. Congratulations to romvesen (1st place and 2nd place ex-æquo) and kamillalaha (2nd place ex-æquo) @Instagram who win a Visa giftcard of a value of 600 and 300NOK, respectively. We would like to congratulate the...

Flipped out of flipped classrooms

This fall I rearranged my teaching from more traditional lectures to more student active learning. It was successful, the students appreciated it, and the learning outcome increased. I will surely do it again next year. I am positive now, but honestly, if you had asked when I was actually doing...

The importance of bachelor projects – bioCEED student seminar at UNIS

As bioCEED student representatives, we thought it would be important to bring up the topic of bachelor projects to our fellow students. Most of us are heading towards the end of our bachelors, and must therefore prepare for a bachelor project. But there are also many students that don’t need...


Upcoming events in November

Light my fire! NOKUT konferansen om høyere utdanning, 1-2 november, Oslo Å skape en kultur for utdanningskvalitet på høyskoler og universiteter avhenger av et samspill mellom studenter, faglige og administrative ansatte, ledelse, myndigheter og samfunnsliv. Under årets konferanse spør vi: Hvordan kan vi fremme og utnytte dette samspillet? Hvordan strekker...

bioCEED seminar – Making (use of) videos in Teaching and Learning.

bioCEED seminar – Making (use of) videos in Teaching and Learning.

Recent introduction of the concept of flipped classroom and increased use of online teaching platforms push teachers to adjust or deeply revise course material by making use of new technologies. Videos have become central in these new forms of teaching activities. Even though hardware and software for making videos are...

bioCEED seminar – How to strengthen the link between the different guest lectures and topics within a course

Mads Forchhammer is professor in terrestrial zoology at the AB department at UNIS. He is responsible for the bachelor course AB-203 Arctic Environmental Management which is running every spring. Mads shared his thoughts on how to strengthen the link between the different guest lectures and topics within a course that...

Welcome to bioCEEDs newsletter!

Monday this week marked an important milestone for bioCEED – a 1000 days have now passed since we were awarded status as a Center for Excellence in Biology Education by NOKUT. During our 1000 first days in operation we have launched a wealth of projects and initiatives, big and small, towards developing biology educations that...

bioCEED goes to Hollywood

The Internationall Society for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (ISSOTL) Annual Conference in October 2017 is held in Los Angeles with the title Telling the Story of Teaching and Learning – exploring what works, when, how and why. bioCEED is especially proud that we will be represented at the...

A taste of life as a biologist

As a biology student at UiB you can take the course BIO298 and get work practice as part of your biology degree. The work practice students invite us to follow their experience through blogs. In their blogs you will find stories about Eureka! moments and failed experiments, but also reflections...

Excellent Teaching Practitioner

Excellent Teaching Practitioner

As the first University in Norway, the University of Bergen, has announced a system for rewarding and recognising effort and quality in teaching. Teachers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences now have the opportunity to get their pedagogical competence and efforts evaluated for the distinction Excellent Teaching Practitioner...

Upcoming events in October 0

Upcoming events in October

UIB’s second annual learning conference 2016: Motivation in Higher Learning, 20 October, Bergen Registration deadline: 13.10.2016 – 12.00 For more info click here MatRIC’s third annual conference: Addressing the challenges faced by teachers and learners of university level mathematics, 19-20 October, Gardermoen, Oslo Programme and registration Collegial Teaching and Learning Course...


Starting up TE2LE UNIS

                        Teach to Learn (TE2LE) is an ongoing project within bioCEED where students are making their own tutorial videos. The aim of the project is to teach students in biology cross-disciplinary transferrable skills through the application of an innovative pedagogical practice,...


New student representatives at BIO and UNIS!

This semester the bachelor students Mari, Raghild, Nanna and Renate are joining in the bioCEED team. The student representatives are an important part of bioCEED and come from both BIO at University of Bergen and from AB at UNIS. Their main responsibility is to be a link between bioCEED and...