Author: Tina

Students’ impressions from ISSOTL 2018

As former student representatives in bioCEED, Mari and I attended the ISSOTL (International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning) 2018 conference: “Toward a learning culture”. Several other students affiliated with the University of Bergen and bioCEED also participated as volunteers and attended the conference. Here is a short...

Looking back at Learning Forum 2018

From Tuesday, October 16th to Thursday, October 18th, the fifth UNIS Learning Forum took place with 45 participants across the different departments. A variety of themes with different disciplinary perspectives was covered. This year’s Learning Forum aimed primarily at promoting a collegial teaching practice. Eleven members of the academic staff...

New publications from bioCEED and the Department of Education at UiB!

New publications from bioCEED and the Department of Education at UiB!

Supporting students´ motivation increase their achievement and reduce dropout A recent research published by researchers at bioCEED and the Department of Education at UiB finds that teachers that supports students´ motivation early in the semester predicts students´ end-of semester grade in biology. Furthermore, supporting students´ motivation reduces their intentions of...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED

My name is Janne E. Søreide and I am an Associate Professor in Marine biology at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). I am the UNIS responsible for work package 3 Active learning in BioCEED. Formally, I have limited pedagogic education but I strongly believe that active learning through research-based...

Students as partners – a student view from the annual Matric Conference and SFU network meeting

At the 18th of September we, bioCEED student representatives, joined the MatRIC 2018 Annual Conference with the focus of “Students as partners in education”. It was interesting to hear the different ways of implementation in university settings, all with the goal of improving learning outcomes. We got an introduction to...

Travel letter from Japan

In June this summer I attended a summer course in fish physiology in Japan. The course was arranged by ExcelAQUA with its Japanese collaborators. You can read more about the IntPART project ExcelAQUA here. As a fish physiology student I found this course most valuable, with lab projects, field excursions...

Collegial sharing practice – Learning Forum at UNIS in October

Soon it is time for the 5th Learning Forum at UNIS, which will take place from 16 – 18 October. The Learning Forum is an event where the entire UNIS teaching staff can share and gain knowledge regarding research based education, course construction and development. This year the Learning Forum will...

Hands on and reflection in student lab learning – Lunch seminar at UNIS

In this presentation, Anders Ahlberg from Lund University talked about how lab exercises can be improved to enhance learning. Lab practicals provide rich and authentic opportunities for quality learning. However, this talk departed from critical observations of lab exercises where more exercises are added than removed lab exercises drift into...

Teaching portfolio workshop at UNIS

Teaching portfolio workshop at UNIS

In the end of August Anders Ahlberg from Lund University held a teaching portfolio workshop at UNIS where participants got feedback by their peers and by workshop leader on their teaching portfolio writing.  For faculty members a teaching portfolio is a way to document and analyse their own teaching practices to...

Funding possibilities for learning and teaching

Funding possibilities for learning and teaching

Funding to apply for regarding teaching in higher education: Olav Thon foundation – application deadline 15 September Norgesuniversitetet – application deadline 22 October SIU:  Various relevant calls bioCEED small grants: bioCEED works to develop, test and document the impacts of new teaching and learning methods in biology. You can now apply for small...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED

Biologists as lab rats! My name is Lucas and I conduct experiments on biologists. My passion in life is motivation, specifically what motivates humans and how can we sustain motivation. I have been fortunate enough to be able to investigate these questions here at bioCEED. My main training is in...

A new blog on teaching and learning in biology

    The newly started blog on teaching and learning biology is meant to be both practical (how do I do this?) and research based (almost all blog entries have a small reference list). You will find: Verktøykasse: A tool box with activities, learning resources, tips & tricks for...

Say hello to the new student representatives at UNIS

Say hello to the new student representatives at UNIS

Ingvild Sørensen is a biology student in the last year of her bachelor at the University of Tromsø. Currently she is taking a semester at UNIS, and her field of interest is mainly arctic terrestrial ecology. Ingvild wants to be a part of bioCEED because she thinks it is important...

Excellent Teaching Practitioner – 2018

Excellent Teaching Practitioner – 2018

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MatNat) at UiB and the University Centre in Svalbard are inviting teachers to apply for the title of Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP).  Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year, with the deadline for application submission on October 1st, 2018. Evaluation of applications will take place...

New bioCEED-paper: Working and Learning in a Field Excursion

New bioCEED-paper: Working and Learning in a Field Excursion

This study aimed to discern sociocultural processes through which students learn in field excursions. To achieve this aim, short-term ethnographic techniques were employed to examine how undergraduate students work and enact knowledge (or knowing) during a specific field excursion in biology. The students participated in a working practice that employed...

UNIS teachers share good practice at seminars

Two collegial sharing sessions during this spring brought teaching staff across departments at UNIS together to discuss and share their experience on teaching matters. The sessions which will continue also this coming fall are open to teaching staff and PhD students. They are run as 45-60 min sessions where people can bring...