Category: Uncategorized

bioCEED 10 Year Anniversary Seminar

BioCEED is inviting you to celebrate our 10-year anniversary! March 6th, 12:00-17:00, in the University Aula, UiB.  Register here At the anniversary seminar we will share some of what we have learnt through 10 years of educational development and educational research. The seminar will end with a reception with refreshments....

Er du student og interessert i forsking og utdanning?   

Er du student og interessert i forsking og utdanning?   

bioCEED – Senter for framifrå utdanning i biologi, søkjer inntil fem studentmedarbeidarar (fagkonsulentar, 20%-stillingar) som skal bidra til bioCEED sitt arbeid med å fremme studentaktiv læring, forskingspraksis og –aktivitet i undervisinga ved Institutt for biovitskap (BIO). Stillingane vil bidra i pågåande undervisningsutvikling og læringsforsking ved senteret. Ved å delta i dette arbeidet vil fagkonsulentane få direkte erfaring med utviklingsprosessar i eit inspirerande akademisk miljø. Perioden for tilsetting...

bioCEED students hold a presentation

bioCEED goes to ICED2022 and EuroSotl2022

After a seemingly never-ending pandemic, two larger conferences were finally taking place physically this early summer: the International Consortium for Educational Development conference (ICED) and EuroSoTL22. ICED was held in Århus, Denmark in May – and Roy, Kristin and Anja from bioCEED was there, of course. The ICED conferences gather...

Participants to the teachers retreat in Voss

bioCEED Teachers Retreat – finally!

The 7th annual bioCEED Teachers Retreat took place June 13th and 14th at Hotel Park Vossevangen on Voss. bioCEED was happy to announce the BIO Teachers Retreat after having to postpone several times due to pandemic restrictions. The Teachers Retreat is an annual seminar/workshop for all teachers at The Department...

SCOPE – Student-led Conference on Polar Education

SCOPE – Student-led Conference on Polar Education  … Excitement  … Engagement         Get ready for the first-ever student-led conference at 78° North in October 2021! Having studied in the Arctic for a while, we students of the North all share this excitement and spirit to understand and...

Expanding the bioCEED team – meet our new student research assistants!

Expanding the bioCEED team – meet our new student research assistants!

To further support research and development work in bioCEED, we have recently hired five students as research assistants in 20% positions. Our new colleagues will work on ongoing projects, in particular program redesign, student active research and outreach. We had many motivated and qualified applicants among the biology students at...

Gaining experience as a researcher through UNISprout!

The first UNISprout project was successfully completed at UNIS this fall! Arctic Biology bachelor students Sari Dötterer and Annie Colgan participated in a project to process and identify bryophyte and lichen samples under the mentorship of Associate Professor Simone Lang. UNISprout is a student led bioCEED initiative developed by former...

Students enjoying bioBREAKFAST

Here at UNIS, bioCEED’s first bioBREAKFAST of the semester was a big success. We held the event on the 1st of October, which landed on a Tuesday morning at 08:15 am. We provided the students with fresh, warm cinnamon buns prepared by the kantine along with fruit, hot coffee and...

Came for the food, stayed for the talk

This semester’s second bioBREAKFAST was held at UNIS on Friday March 22nd. After having heaps of trouble finding PhD and master students to present for the first bioBREAKFAST, and it being announced only on a three day notice, we had extra big expectations this Friday morning. This time, we had an...

Welcome to our new student representatives at BIO and UNIS!

Ingrid Oline Tveranger (BIO) and Ørjan Vabø (AB, UNIS) are our new student representatives in bioCEED this semester. Ingrid Oline is a 22 years old post bachelor student in molecular biology at the University of Bergen. Her plan is to proceed in this field, taking a master in molecular biology. During her bachelor she...

New SFU application round on its way

New SFU application round on its way

In 2018 there has been some excitement about whether there would be a new funding round for new Centres for Excellence in Education (SFU). Last application round was in 2016 which ended with 4 new centres.  In the proposal for the 2019 National Budget in October 2018, 25 million NOK were granted...

When you run out of chairs

The last bioBreakfast of 2018 at UNIS broke all the attendance records, with 44 participants. All the departments at UNIS were represented by the bachelor and master students. There were two speakers, Sarah Strand from Geology who talked about the PhD she is writing about permafrost, and Vanessa Pitusi who...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED

My name is Janne E. Søreide and I am an Associate Professor in Marine biology at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). I am the UNIS responsible for work package 3 Active learning in BioCEED. Formally, I have limited pedagogic education but I strongly believe that active learning through research-based...