bioCEED news Blog

Students engaging students during bioBreakfast seminars

The month of May marked the two first bioBreakfast meetings at UNIS. The project is student-led and initiated by bioCEED student representatives Malene Vinnes and Mari Engelstad. The project sets out to bridge the gap between Bachelor-, master- and Ph.D.-students at the biology department at the university center in Svalbard...

Looking back at 3 years with bioCEED

Looking back at 3 years with bioCEED

As part of the interim evaluation of the Centres of Excellence in Education, we were asked by NOKUT and the evaluation committee to write a self-evaluation report. Looking back on 3 years of activity and summing up was a challenging but rewarding exercise! So what has happened since April 1st...

Internship students interviewed in the radio programme EKKO

Curious about the internship courses at BIO in Bergen? Listen to the radio programme EKKO in NRK P2 (25th of April) where students are telling about their internship experience: and read the students blog biologipraksis UiB here: The internship courses are initialized by the project PRIME and organized under...

Three biologists share their impressions from the MNT conference

The MNT conference 2017 is now over, and many are back from Oslo with news ideas and contacts, certainly an extended to-do list, various feedback on personal contributions (see bioCEED’s contributions here). Three of us take a moment to share their views and impressions on the conference, and bring up some highlights.  ...

Which methods to use in educational research?

Which methods to use in educational research?

On the April 7th, 2017, bioCEED held a research group meeting where we discussed the value, benefits, and disadvantages of using quantitative methods in educational research. There has for a long time existed a debate in the field of educational research about which research methods yield the most correct results...

FINNUT calls for proposals for innovation projects in the educational sector

The Research Council of Norways programme FINNUT invites entities and organisations in the educational sector to seek funding to develop innovation projects as part of the effort to enhance the role of research in renewal and innovation. Deadline for application is set to 24 of May 2017. For more information follow the...

Did you miss “Gender matters!”? See the video here.

Did you miss “Gender matters!”? See the video here.

On March 27th, bioCEED’s student representatives at UiB Ragnhild Gya and Mari Vold Bjordal hosted together with Studentersamfunnet a meeting about unequal participation between genders in the lecture halls and in meetings. For this occasion, they had invited Sehoya Cotner and Cissy Ballen from the University of Minnesota, and Ole-Petter...

bioCEED well-represented at the “MNT-conference 2017”

This year’s MNT-conference “Transformative education” took place in Oslo, Hotel Soria Moria on March 30th-31st. bioCEED contributed with 10 articles and corresponding presentations as well as an overview of the goals and activities of the Centre of Excellence. The full list of contributions and authors is found below with links to...

Forum for Educational Leadership discussing pedagogical merit-systems

The National Forum for Educational Leadership in Biology is a network and meeting place established in 2016. It is meant as an arena for discussion and exchange of ideas across the different biology departments at Norwegian Universities – with a focus on the work of Heads of Education or those...

Up and running – bioBREAKFAST UNIS

bioBREAKFAST is a pilot project from the UNIS student representatives at bioCEED directed towards bachelor, master and PhD-students at the biology department at UNIS and funded by NOKUT. The goal with the project is to strengthen the bonds between students at different levels and to exchange and develop knowledge and skills that are useful. This month...

A busy visiting month for UNIS

  March month is soon to end and, looking back, it has been a month filled with several visitors coming to UNIS. First out were Anders Ahlberg and Roy Andersson from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Lund in Sweden who both visited UNIS for the second time. Both are involved...

Promising start for the student-coordinated project biORAKEL

On Thursday, March 13th, biORAKEL opened for the second time the doors of K1/K2 at the Department of Biology, UiB to all biology students in the need of help with lab journals and preparation for exams. Amazingly, It did not take more than 15 minutes to fill up the room! “- This is a...

Mid-term evaluation for bioCEED PhD students Lucas M. Jeno and Torstein N. Hole

bioCEED PhD students Lucas M. Jeno and Torstein N. Hole were invited to present their respective project for the supervisors and evaluation committee. Both presentations occurred on Wednesday, March 22nd in the room G209N1, Data Building – Høyteknologisenteret (Thormøhlensgate 55, Bergen). The antecedents and consequences of students autonomous motivation. The relation between...

bioCEED project receives grant from the Olav Thon Foundation

Earlier this year, the Olav Thon Foundation announced in a press release that bioCEED’s project “Numerical competence and student-active research” was attributed a national teaching-related research grant of NOK 1.4 million (see article). The project, led by Sigrunn Eliassen, Øystein Varpe and Jonathan Soulé, aims at developing and extending the learning platform bioST@TS with quantitative methods...

NOKUT-frokost hos Universitetet i Bergen: Meritteringsordninger i utdanning

NOKUT-frokost hos Universitetet i Bergen: Meritteringsordninger i utdanning

Tid: onsdag 29/3 @ 8.00-9.30 (frokost serveres fra klokken 7.30) Sted: Universitetets aula, Museplassen 3, Bergen Et av de viktigste budskapene i Kvalitetsmeldingen er at utdanning og undervisning skal få høyere status ved universitetene og høyskolene. Merittering er et av forslagene som skal bidra til dette. Dette innebærer å belønne...

Student meeting – Gender matters!

Student meeting – Gender matters!

bioCEED’s student representatives at UiB are hosting together with Studentersamfunnet a meeting about unequal participation between genders in the lecture halls and in meetings. For this occasion, we have invited Sehoya Cotner and Cissy Ballen from the University of Minnesota, and Ole-Petter Moe Hansen from the Norwegian School of Economics in...

Great learning experience on international politics doing role-play at UNIS

Great learning experience on international politics doing role-play at UNIS

13.-14. of February the students attending AB-203, Arctic Environmental Management got hands on experience with international politics.  A multinational conference was staged; “As the sea ice reaches new critical lows in the arctic, the interest of energy, shipping, fishing and resource companies looks north to the opening up of a new...