bioCEED news Blog

Photo: UiO/Terje Heiestad

Olav Thon Award Ceremony 2019

On March 7th, the Olav Thon Foundation award winners of 2019 attended a formal ceremony at the Aula, the festive hall of the University of Oslo. bioCEEDsters Pernille B. Eidesen, Oddfrid Førland and Vigdis Vandvik, along with former student representative Ragnhild Gya were on stage to receive their awards from...

AB-202 joins the bioST@TS family

The UNIS course AB-202 Marine Arctic Biology led by Janne Søreide recently joined the bioST@TS family. Students enrolled in AB-202 spend approximately a week on field and cruise, collecting samples and data which they further analyse back at the lab. Organizing, sorting and cleaning data sets, drawing meaningful plots and...

SFU network meeting in Bergen

SFU network meeting in Bergen

Wednesday the 6th of March, a networking-seminar with the SFUs was held at Scandic Hotel Flesland in Bergen, with DIKU as a host. bioCEED was well represented at the meeting, and had four student representatives there. After the takeover of the SFU initiative by DIKU from NOKUT, there were many...

Came for the food, stayed for the talk

This semester’s second bioBREAKFAST was held at UNIS on Friday March 22nd. After having heaps of trouble finding PhD and master students to present for the first bioBREAKFAST, and it being announced only on a three day notice, we had extra big expectations this Friday morning. This time, we had an...

bioCEEDsters – on the inside of bioCEED

My name is Tina and I am working as a teaching adviser for bioCEED at the Department of Arctic Biology at UNIS in Longyearbyen. Working as a teaching adviser is an exciting job with a variety of tasks every day. My main responsibility is to organize bioCEED activities at the...

Call for applications for new Centres for Excellence in Education

  Diku announced in February a new funding round for up to six new Centres for Excellence in Education (SFU) with application deadline 29 of April. Universities and university colleges are invited to apply for 4 to 8 million NOK annually  for new centres. SFU status is awarded for five years,...

New paper: Evolution of a portfolio-based design in ecology: a three-year design cycle

Rachelle Esterhazy (Department of Education, University of Oslo) and Øyvind Fiksen (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen) have recently published the paper “Evolution of a portfolio-based design in ecology: a three-year design cycle” in Uniped.   Abstract Portfolio-based designs are among the most popular student-centered approaches in higher education....

Live episode of NOKUT-podden with Oddfrid Førland

Don’t miss NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. The latest episode of NOKUT-podden was broadcasted live from the NOKUT conference 2019 on January 31st. This time, the topic was: “What makes universities and university colleges such magic places?” and...

Developing Educational Excellence In Higher Education

NOKUT has just released DEVELOPING EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION: Lessons learned from the establishment and evaluation of the Norwegian Centres for Excellence in Education (SFU) initiative. This publication is a collection of reflections on developing educational excellence in higher education, written by six experts in the field of higher education (see further below). “This publication is...

Teaching projects and outstanding teaching get funding and award from Olav Thon Foundation

Teaching projects and outstanding teaching get funding and award from Olav Thon Foundation

On January 10th, Olav Thon Foundation announced that UiB professor Ivar Rønnestad, professor Vigdis Vandvik (with colleagues) and UNIS associate professor Pernille B. Eidesen have gotten award and funding from the Foundation. Ivar Rønnestad received a national award for outstanding teaching, while Vigdis Vandvik and Pernille B. Eidesen received 1.5...

Welcome to our new student representatives at BIO and UNIS!

Ingrid Oline Tveranger (BIO) and Ørjan Vabø (AB, UNIS) are our new student representatives in bioCEED this semester. Ingrid Oline is a 22 years old post bachelor student in molecular biology at the University of Bergen. Her plan is to proceed in this field, taking a master in molecular biology. During her bachelor she...

UNIS launches its first internship course for Arctic Biology students

This spring semester, UNIS runs the AB-208 course “Internship in Arctic Biology” for bachelor students for the first time. The course aims at giving students the possibility to get knowledge and skills not easily obtained in class-room settings. It has been developed in close collaboration and with help from the...

New paper: Biology students at work: Using blogs to investigate personal epistemologies.

Torstein Nielsen Hole, Gaute Velle, Hanne Riese, Arild Raaheim and Anne Laure Simonelli have written an article about learning in work placements among biology students. To investigate learning they have focused on personal epistemologies. That is, students’ accounts of learning and knowing. Students have written about their learning experiences in...

BioBREAKFAST webpage is ready!

The bioBREAKFAST webpage is now up and running! Here you will get an overview of what bioBREAKFAST is and why it is arranged. Every time the breakfast is arranged, it will be posted there. The webpage is developed in cooperation between students and employees. Its aim is to make it easy...