bioCEED news Blog

Official opening of iEarth at UNIS

bioCEED congratulates our sister SFU iEarth with their formal opening at UNIS on October 13th! We are looking forward to years to come with collaboration on developing excellent educations at UNIS. iEarth received the status as a Centre for Excellence in Education in December 2019 which entails funding for five...

Expanding the bioCEED team – meet our new student research assistants!

Expanding the bioCEED team – meet our new student research assistants!

To further support research and development work in bioCEED, we have recently hired five students as research assistants in 20% positions. Our new colleagues will work on ongoing projects, in particular program redesign, student active research and outreach. We had many motivated and qualified applicants among the biology students at...

Corona-adapted biORAKEL

Like many others, biORAKEL needed to adapt for this pandemic to be able to resume our weekly meetings. Back in March, when the national lockdown went in effect and physical lectures were replaced with Zoom meetings, we took a small break to try and figure out how we could continue...

BIO102 brings the ocean to the students.

BIO102 brings the ocean to the students.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many of us to reconsider the way we teach larger classes. Digital solutions now replace or supplement classroom teaching, and videos take a larger part in the teaching material. However, field courses and excursions are still hardly replaceable by a screen, even if tremendous efforts...

Excellent Teaching Practitioner – 2020

Excellent Teaching Practitioner – 2020

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (MatNat) at UiB and the University Centre in Svalbard are inviting teachers to apply for the title of Excellent Teaching Practitioner (ETP). Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year, with the deadline for application submission on January 7th, 2021 (for teachers at UiB) and January...

New article from the ArtsApp project

Researchers at the ArtsApp project have published a new study in Computers & Education entitled ” The effects of a goal-framing and need-supportive app on undergraduates’ intentions, effort, and achievement in mobile science learning “. The study was led by Associate Professor Lucas Jeno and Professor John-Arvid Grytnes from UiB,...

Pedagogical TA course runs at BIO for the first time

bioCEED, along with the Department of Education at UiB, held a two-day pedagogy course for TA´s (teaching assistants) and administrative staff with teaching responsibilities from the Department of Biological Sciences. The course was led by Associate Professor in University Pedagogy Lucas Jeno, with support from Christian Strømme and Dagmar Egelkraut....

Welcome to our new student representatives at UNIS!

Daniela Walch and Christina Hess are our two new bioCEED student representatives at UNIS this semester. Daniela is studying Biology and Geography in a Master of Education programme at Potsdam University (close to Berlin). For her master’s thesis, she is looking into influences of freshwater discharge to arctic fjords with...

bioCEEDsters: Seth Thompson

Hi! My name is Seth Thompson and I’ve been collaborating on the ExcelAQUA project with Ivar Rønnestad and others. I first joined the project as a graduate student in Dr. Sehoya Cotner’s lab group at the University of Minnesota and have primarily been involved with supporting the summer school program....

Fieldwork in Peru as the pandemic hit

On March 8, 2020, 48 students and teachers from 18 countries and four continents met in Cuzco, Peru. We looked forward to participating in and running the 5th International Plant Functional Traits Field Course (PFTC5). In the PFTC field courses, students learn a range of plant functional traits approaches to...

bioCEEDsters: Kseniia Kalian

Hey, my name is Kseniia and I have been working at UNIS since 2020. Initially I joined the interdisciplinary “FieldPass” project as a postdoc where I am investigating possible ways to strengthen the constructive alignment between learning activities (with fieldwork as a key element), forms of assessments and learning outcomes....

bioCEEDsters: Christian Bianchi Strømme

My name is Christian Bianchi Strømme and I have recently joined the inspiring environment at bioCEED as a postdoctoral researcher. The background for my involvement is the further development of the Bachelor’s programme in Biology at UiB, a process that encompasses a closer weaving of research practice and culture into...

Spring 2020 Poster Session at BIO

Spring 2020 Poster Session at BIO

The BIO-courses SDG214 Life below water, SDG215 Life on land, BIO241 Behavioural ecology and BIO299 Research practice in biology had their third open joint student poster session on May 13th. No less that 26 posters were listed for the event which had to happen online this year. Indeed, the corona situation and...

Relevans, lissom?

Utdanning skal gi faglig kunnskap og overblikk, erfaring og ferdigheter i å kunne utøve faglighet og faglig skjønn, og evne til faglig egenutvikling og samarbeid. Utdanning er ikke ferskvare – den skal forberede studentene på mange tiårs yrkesliv i et arbeidsmarked i rask endring. Fremtidens arbeidstakere, arbeidsgivere, og utdanningsinstitusjoner har felles langsiktige interesser i utdanninger som sikter bredere enn å tilby spesifikke ferdigheter tilpasset dagens jobbmarked.

Motivation tips for students working at home

Motivation tips for students working at home

Hard to keep motivated while studying at home? Lucas Jeno, associate professor at the Department for Education and bioCEED, has tips for you! There are difficult circumstances with Corona, unemployment, and uncertain times. We fully understand that it is hard to stay motivated for your studies. To help you structure...