Author: Tina

Three biologists share their impressions from the MNT conference

The MNT conference 2017 is now over, and many are back from Oslo with news ideas and contacts, certainly an extended to-do list, various feedback on personal contributions (see bioCEED’s contributions here). Three of us take a moment to share their views and impressions on the conference, and bring up some highlights.  ...

Which methods to use in educational research?

Which methods to use in educational research?

On the April 7th, 2017, bioCEED held a research group meeting where we discussed the value, benefits, and disadvantages of using quantitative methods in educational research. There has for a long time existed a debate in the field of educational research about which research methods yield the most correct results...

FINNUT calls for proposals for innovation projects in the educational sector

The Research Council of Norways programme FINNUT invites entities and organisations in the educational sector to seek funding to develop innovation projects as part of the effort to enhance the role of research in renewal and innovation. Deadline for application is set to 24 of May 2017. For more information follow the...

Did you miss “Gender matters!”? See the video here.

Did you miss “Gender matters!”? See the video here.

On March 27th, bioCEED’s student representatives at UiB Ragnhild Gya and Mari Vold Bjordal hosted together with Studentersamfunnet a meeting about unequal participation between genders in the lecture halls and in meetings. For this occasion, they had invited Sehoya Cotner and Cissy Ballen from the University of Minnesota, and Ole-Petter...

Forum for Educational Leadership discussing pedagogical merit-systems

The National Forum for Educational Leadership in Biology is a network and meeting place established in 2016. It is meant as an arena for discussion and exchange of ideas across the different biology departments at Norwegian Universities – with a focus on the work of Heads of Education or those...

Up and running – bioBREAKFAST UNIS

bioBREAKFAST is a pilot project from the UNIS student representatives at bioCEED directed towards bachelor, master and PhD-students at the biology department at UNIS and funded by NOKUT. The goal with the project is to strengthen the bonds between students at different levels and to exchange and develop knowledge and skills that are useful. This month...

A busy visiting month for UNIS

  March month is soon to end and, looking back, it has been a month filled with several visitors coming to UNIS. First out were Anders Ahlberg and Roy Andersson from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Lund in Sweden who both visited UNIS for the second time. Both are involved...

Great learning experience on international politics doing role-play at UNIS

Great learning experience on international politics doing role-play at UNIS

13.-14. of February the students attending AB-203, Arctic Environmental Management got hands on experience with international politics.  A multinational conference was staged; “As the sea ice reaches new critical lows in the arctic, the interest of energy, shipping, fishing and resource companies looks north to the opening up of a new...

New ways of teaching create new demands on teachers and on systems

When we introduce more student active teaching as alternatives to the traditional lecture based teaching at university, this has implications for our role as teachers. We have to develop a part of this role which, at best, has been slumbering in the shadow of a more dominant and, one might...

Mapping the teaching landscape at UNIS and UiB

Mapping the teaching landscape at UNIS and UiB

In collaboration with our associate professor Sehoya Cotner and postdoc Cissy Ballen (University of Minnesota) bioCEED has initiated a project to map how biology faculty currently teach and what characterizes their teaching. During spring 2017 data will be collected at UNIS with emphasize on: What characterizes the student experience at AB? How do students...

New student representatives ready to join in!

New student representatives ready to join in!

Welcome to our new bioCEED student representatives at UNIS!  Malene Klakegg Vinnes and Mari Engelstad are going to join in the bioCEED team for the spring semester 2017.  bioCEED are looking very much forward to have you both in our group!   Malene Klakegg Vinnes: I am a student at...

Upcoming events February

Upcoming events February

Lunch seminar at UNIS – Higer Education for Sustainable Development. Talk by Astrid Sinnes, Associate professor in science education, NMBU. Wednesday 1 February, 14:15 – 15:00 in Kapp Schoultz Workshop at UiB – How to write a well-structured teaching portfolio bioCEED invites UiB teachers to the workshop “How to write a well-structured...

Host Company/bioCEED/Prime workshop on BIO298

Since spring 2015, the internship course Bio298 has collaborated with 12 to 15 companies, organizations and research institutes to invite students to experience and blog on life as a professional biologist. After completing four terms of the course, we invited to a workshop for the collaborating institutions to exchange experiences...

The yearly Learning Forum at UNIS concludes with many new insights and learnings

“This provides me with tools for planning and designing my course”. “People are not so frightened anymore to discuss and share their teaching ideas and experience with each other.” “ There are so many skilled people at UNIS when it comes to practicing good learning and teaching”. “I am definitely going to...

Upcoming events November

Upcoming events November

bioCEED Research Seminar Bergen: Every Friday from 9-10, the bioCEED Research Group is presenting projects, results, theories, publications or ideas for applications in the bioCEED room on the third floor of the A-blokken, Thormøhlensgate 53. If you are curious about the weeks theme please contact Torstein Hole ( or Lucas Matias...

The importance of bachelor projects – bioCEED student seminar at UNIS

As bioCEED student representatives, we thought it would be important to bring up the topic of bachelor projects to our fellow students. Most of us are heading towards the end of our bachelors, and must therefore prepare for a bachelor project. But there are also many students that don’t need...


Upcoming events in November

Light my fire! NOKUT konferansen om høyere utdanning, 1-2 november, Oslo Å skape en kultur for utdanningskvalitet på høyskoler og universiteter avhenger av et samspill mellom studenter, faglige og administrative ansatte, ledelse, myndigheter og samfunnsliv. Under årets konferanse spør vi: Hvordan kan vi fremme og utnytte dette samspillet? Hvordan strekker...

Welcome to bioCEEDs newsletter!

Monday this week marked an important milestone for bioCEED – a 1000 days have now passed since we were awarded status as a Center for Excellence in Biology Education by NOKUT. During our 1000 first days in operation we have launched a wealth of projects and initiatives, big and small, towards developing biology educations that...