Category: Quarter1-2022

Field learning tools ready for exploring

The FieldPass project at UNIS has had a productive year with several teaching and assessment tools for student learning being developed and tested out. Our core team of teaching staff with a postdoc and a technician are exploring different methods to improve the way we prepare students, assess students, and...

UNISbreakfast and bioCEED seminars for fellow students

UNISbreakfast and bioCEED seminars for fellow students

The last couple of weeks the Student Representatives at UNIS have been busy with arranging two interesting UNIS events for their fellow students. The first one, a UNISbreakfast run the 2nd of March, was special since it was arranged as a collaborative effort between iEarth and bioCEED student representatives. During...

An Evidence-Based Approach to More Equitable STEM Education

The upcoming instance of the TeLEd Monthly Event Series will feature Sehoya Cotner, leader of bioCEED. In the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines women, first-generation college students, and students belonging to certain marginalized groups exhibit greater attrition than do their male peers, a gap that continues throughout most...

Bikuben’s second article, “The Insect Apocalypse” is out.

This has been an educational process for me, something I truly appreciate! – Susanne   The author Susanne Zazzera is a 23-year-old student from Stavanger who is currently doing her master in “Evolution, ecology and biodiversity” at UiB. She chose to study this programme because she finds it interesting and...

New student representatives at UNIS

Fredrik Andreas Selmer is a bachelor student from The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Currently he is serving as a new student representative for bioCEED at UNIS. Fredrik has been at UNIS since the end of July 2021 and his interests involve the changing of the Arctic and how...

MATNAT Teachers’ Retreat…in person!

In mid-March, the College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bergen hosted a teachers’ retreat near Bergen’s Flesland Airport. Many bioCEED people, programs, and ideas were prominently on display at this retreat, which was focused on Feedback and Assessment. bioCEED friends Øyvind Fiksen, Christian Jørgensen, and Sigrunn...

DEVELOP is developing

DEVELOP is developing

We are excited to report that Developing evidence-based mentoring for better STEM work placements (DEVELOP) is officially underway! In short, DEVELOP is a HKDir-funded project that seeks the continued input of many work-placement supervisors, or hosts, in developing a series of on-line modules to assist in mentoring the hosts’ future...

“From Practice to Publication” in Oslo

In early March, bioCEED co-hosted a writing workshop for individuals interested in submitting their work to The Nordic Journal of STEM Education (NJSTEME). This workshop was funded by Universities Norway (UHR) and developed by the journal’s editorial board, which includes me (Sehoya Cotner), Thomas Gjesteland (the Director of the MATRIC...

Bikuben student journal

Bikuben is aiming towards a physical edition this May. Our current main focus is therefore on getting our waiting contributions out online. Regardless, there is always room for more! If you know any students, or you are a student yourself that has a good text just waiting to be published,...

Interessert i forsking og utdanning? Ledige stillingar som fagkonsulent i bioCEED – søknadsfrist 28. februar

Interessert i forsking og utdanning? Ledige stillingar som fagkonsulent i bioCEED – søknadsfrist 28. februar

(Norwegian only) Er du student og interessert i forsking og utdanning? bioCEED –Senter for framifrå utdanning i biologi, søkjer inntil tre til fem fagkonsulentar (20%-stillingar) som skal bidra til bioCEED sitt arbeid med å fremja studentaktiv læring, forskingspraksis og –aktivitet i undervisninga ved Institutt for biovitskap (BIO). Stillingane vil særleg bidra...