bioCEED news Blog

Students enjoying bioBREAKFAST

Here at UNIS, bioCEED’s first bioBREAKFAST of the semester was a big success. We held the event on the 1st of October, which landed on a Tuesday morning at 08:15 am. We provided the students with fresh, warm cinnamon buns prepared by the kantine along with fruit, hot coffee and...

NOKUT rapport: Praksis i fremragende miljøer

NOKUT – Nasjonalt organ for kvalitet i utdanningen – har publisert den rapporten “Praksis i fremragende miljøer – Innblikk i arbeidet med praksis i tre Sentre for fremragende utdanning“. Sammendrag Praksis har kommet på dagsorden etter at økt arbeidslivsrelevans for høyere utdanning ble et tydelig ønske fra politikere og andre...

Using 3D-printed models of pollen grains as teaching material

Identifying pollen grains under the microscope may be challenging, especially to the untrained eye. This goes also for a multitude of biological structures with complex shapes, whether embedded in tissues or isolated from their original environment. The course BIO250 – Palaeoecology at the Department of Biological Sciences in Bergen has...

bioCEEDsters: Anja Møgelvang Jacobsen

My name is Anja Møgelvang Jacobsen and I am the new Ph.D. scholar at bioCEED in Bergen. As an educational researcher, one might think that being surrounded by biologists all day long poses a lot of challenges, but admittedly it is not that bad (at least not so far!). And...

New Paper: Smaller Classes Promote Equitable Student Participation in STEM

Cissy Ballen, Anne E .Bjune, Christian Jørgensen and Sehoya Cotner have recently published the paper “Smaller Classes Promote Equitable Student Participation in STEM” in BioScience.   Abstract As science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) classrooms in higher education transition from lecturing to active learning, the frequency of student interactions in...

Recommanded article on students’ (mis)perception of learning in active classes.

Louis Deslauriers and colleagues recently published “Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom” in PNAS. Significance Despite active learning being recognized as a superior method of instruction in the classroom, a major recent survey found that most college STEM instructors still...

Students and teachers from UiB at EuroSoTL 2019 in Bilbao, Spain

A group of master students (Vilde Sandvoll Norderval, Maja Nepstad, Kristoffer Erdal and Marie Josephine Mendy) and lecturers (Anne Bjune, Henriette Linge and Jorun Nyléhn) from UiB newly visited the international conference EuroSoTL in Bilbao, Spain 12.-14. June 2019. The conference was organized by the European group of the International...

The “ArtsApp” project collecting data for three new studies on motivation and digital tools

The “ArtsApp” project collecting data for three new studies on motivation and digital tools

Many interesting things happening at the FINNUT project “ArtsApp”. The project is currently collecting data for three studies. First, we are collecting data for an experiment investigating whether framing different goals when students are using ArtsApp or Lids Flora elicit different motivational and learning outcomes. Moreover, we are recruiting participants...

Great success with student poster symposium

The BIO-courses SDG214 Life below water , SDG215 Life on land, BIO201 Ecology and BIO241 Behavioural Ecology organized an open joint student poster session on 22nd May. This event turned out to be a major success, with full house of students and faculty alike. It might be that our pizza-serving...

Podcasts on Teaching & Learning (in Norwegian)

bioCEED would like to recommend some interesting podcasts about Teaching and Learning in Norway: Nokutpodden Don’t miss NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. The latest episodes of NOKUT-podden are: Den om studenten som kollegaveileder Den om medforsking som vurderingsform...

Join ISSOTL 2019 in Atlanta – Engaged Practices for Social Change

Last year the annual ISSOTL conference “Toward a Learning Culture” took place in Bergen and was hosted by University of Bergen and bioCEED. The international Society of Teaching and Learning is one of the major international SoTL societies, and hosting the society’s 2018 annual conference brought 680 SoTL scholars and...

Instructors´ motivation for teaching predicts teaching style

In a recent mixed-method study by Maï Yasué, Lucas M. Jeno, and Jody L. Langdon published in the International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, it was found that instructors that experienced freedom to make pedagogical decisions reported less extrinsic motivation for teaching. Further, extrinsic motivation for teaching...

bioCEED at the MNT Conference 2019

bioCEED at the MNT Conference 2019

The MNT (STEM) Conference is always a great opportunity to meet colleagues from around Norway to be inspired, discuss, present and reflect on teaching and learning in STEM! This year’s conference (MNT2019 – Constructive alignment) lived up to our expectations and we enjoyed many excellent presentations and discussion over the...

Fish To Mars – The Metal Science Opera is back.

Fish To Mars comes back on May 10th, 11th and 14th at the Aquarium of Bergen with a new, improved show, new cast and crew. Buy your tickets HERE.   What would happen if Bruce Dickinson and David Attenborough made a musical? we have an idea: Fish To Mars: the...

bioCEED congratulates PhD Torstein N. Hole!

Torstein N. Hole successfully defended his doctoral dissertation “Learning through practice in biology education” at the University of Bergen on April, 25th 2019. We warmly congratulate him with his achievement and new title! bioCEED’s second candidate to complete a PhD degree will be remembered as “the undercover pedagog“, the one...

Diku funds two new educational development projects at UNIS and UiB

On Friday April 26th, Diku announced that two research projects from UNIS and UiB will receive NOK 4.7 million and 4.5 million respectively over a three year period in support of developing innovative teaching and assessment practices. The project «Utvikling, testing og evaluering av verktøy og vurderingsformer som fremmer meningsskapende...

Want to learn more about learning?

Want to learn more about learning?

Read one of these “kinder egg” books (easily read AND research based AND with practical guidelines and tips): Why don’t students like school? A cognitive scientist answers questions about how the mind works and what it means for the classroom written by Daniel Willingham. This book keeps what it promises,...