bioCEED news Blog

DEVELOP is developing

DEVELOP is developing

We are excited to report that Developing evidence-based mentoring for better STEM work placements (DEVELOP) is officially underway! In short, DEVELOP is a HKDir-funded project that seeks the continued input of many work-placement supervisors, or hosts, in developing a series of on-line modules to assist in mentoring the hosts’ future...

“From Practice to Publication” in Oslo

In early March, bioCEED co-hosted a writing workshop for individuals interested in submitting their work to The Nordic Journal of STEM Education (NJSTEME). This workshop was funded by Universities Norway (UHR) and developed by the journal’s editorial board, which includes me (Sehoya Cotner), Thomas Gjesteland (the Director of the MATRIC...

Bikuben student journal

Bikuben is aiming towards a physical edition this May. Our current main focus is therefore on getting our waiting contributions out online. Regardless, there is always room for more! If you know any students, or you are a student yourself that has a good text just waiting to be published,...

Interessert i forsking og utdanning? Ledige stillingar som fagkonsulent i bioCEED – søknadsfrist 28. februar

Interessert i forsking og utdanning? Ledige stillingar som fagkonsulent i bioCEED – søknadsfrist 28. februar

(Norwegian only) Er du student og interessert i forsking og utdanning? bioCEED –Senter for framifrå utdanning i biologi, søkjer inntil tre til fem fagkonsulentar (20%-stillingar) som skal bidra til bioCEED sitt arbeid med å fremja studentaktiv læring, forskingspraksis og –aktivitet i undervisninga ved Institutt for biovitskap (BIO). Stillingane vil særleg bidra...

First Student Poster Symposium in Person in 2 Years!

At last came the opportunity to hold the Student Poster Symposium at BIO in person. We had to wait two years, but it was definitely worth it! No less than 170 students, teaching assistants and teachers contributed to the symposium with 31 posters and 11 extended oral presentations resulting from the...

HK-dir podcast on “Students as partners” with our student partner Pernille Eyde Nerlie

Are you curious about how students contribute to the work of bioCEED? And what the difference is between students as partners and student involvement? Then listen to this episode of the podcast from HK-dir – Kvalitetstid: Hvordan får man til studentpartnerskap i utdanning (in Norwegian)? For ten years, the Centres...

“From Practice to Publication” workshop in Oslo, March 2022.

“From Practice to Publication” workshop in Oslo, March 2022.

The editors of the Nordic Journal of STEM Education, in an effort to revive the journal, will host a two-day in-person workshop (March 7 and 8, 2022, in downtown Oslo) to guide authors in developing a manuscript for NJSTEME. Through a generous grant from Universities Norway, we can cover reasonable...

Celebrating Ten Years of the SFU Scheme

Celebrating Ten Years of the SFU Scheme

Ten years of promoting excellence in education is worthy of celebration. Thus, HKDir invited the SFUs to a Network meeting and 10 year anniversary celebration in Oslo 10 and 11 November.  Seven bioCEED representatives joined members of each of the other SFUs and HKdir to mark the occasion and look...

Leading Educational Change… through SoTL

With the 2021/2022 academic year, we are trying a new type of collegial teaching course. This new offering, Leading Educational Change…Through SoTL is innovative along multiple dimensions. The course involves academic-change leaders from several institutions, representing a collaboration between bioCEED and iEarth, and is led by bioCEED and iEarth faculty...

We miss our UNIS colleagues already!

We miss our UNIS colleagues already!

Is there a better way to celebrate the loosening of covid restrictions than an impromptu visit to Svalbard? The answer is NO. Several of the UiB-based crew (along with the new iEarth coordinator, Thea Krossøy) joined our northernmost colleagues for the UNIS Learning Forum the 5th and 6th of October....

First published contribution to Bikuben student journal

We are happy to finally share the first published contribution to Bikuben student journal

“Let’s talk about sex: Exploring evolutionary explanations for the persistence of sexual reproduction in eukaryotes”

In this text from his studies, Mads. S Michalsen summarizes some of the leading explanations of why sexual reproduction has persisted through evolutionary time, despite the apparently high costs (compared to asexual reproduction).