Excellent Teaching Practitioner – The criticism is similar to climate denial
Read På Hoyden’s interview with our PhD student Torstein Hole: Merittering: Kritikken liknar klimafornekting
Read På Hoyden’s interview with our PhD student Torstein Hole: Merittering: Kritikken liknar klimafornekting
At the 18th of September we, bioCEED student representatives, joined the MatRIC 2018 Annual Conference with the focus of “Students as partners in education”. It was interesting to hear the different ways of implementation in university settings, all with the goal of improving learning outcomes. We got an introduction to...
In this presentation, Anders Ahlberg from Lund University talked about how lab exercises can be improved to enhance learning. Lab practicals provide rich and authentic opportunities for quality learning. However, this talk departed from critical observations of lab exercises where more exercises are added than removed lab exercises drift into...
In the end of August Anders Ahlberg from Lund University held a teaching portfolio workshop at UNIS where participants got feedback by their peers and by workshop leader on their teaching portfolio writing. For faculty members a teaching portfolio is a way to document and analyse their own teaching practices to...
Funding to apply for regarding teaching in higher education: Olav Thon foundation – application deadline 15 September Norgesuniversitetet – application deadline 22 October SIU: Various relevant calls bioCEED small grants: bioCEED works to develop, test and document the impacts of new teaching and learning methods in biology. You can now apply for small...
Biologists as lab rats! My name is Lucas and I conduct experiments on biologists. My passion in life is motivation, specifically what motivates humans and how can we sustain motivation. I have been fortunate enough to be able to investigate these questions here at bioCEED. My main training is in...
The newly started blog https://biologididaktikk.w.uib.no/ on teaching and learning biology is meant to be both practical (how do I do this?) and research based (almost all blog entries have a small reference list). You will find: Verktøykasse: A tool box with activities, learning resources, tips & tricks for...
Ingvild Sørensen is a biology student in the last year of her bachelor at the University of Tromsø. Currently she is taking a semester at UNIS, and her field of interest is mainly arctic terrestrial ecology. Ingvild wants to be a part of bioCEED because she thinks it is important...
Two collegial sharing sessions during this spring brought teaching staff across departments at UNIS together to discuss and share their experience on teaching matters. The sessions which will continue also this coming fall are open to teaching staff and PhD students. They are run as 45-60 min sessions where people can bring...
My name is Øystein Varpe and I am a professor of ecology at The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). In bioCEED I am responsible for the work-package on Educational Leadership and am also engaged in some of our work on active learning and the collegial teaching culture. One aim within...
The teaching staff at BIO (UiB) gathered for the Annual Teachers Retreat in beautiful surroundings in Os outside Bergen 30 November- 01 December. At the teachers retreat the BIO teaching staff and bioCEED meet to share experience about teaching and learning and to present examples and findings from their own...
My name is Pernille Bronken Eidesen, and I am working as Associate professor in the Arctic Biology department at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). Our department is one of the four main partners in bioCEED. I am the deputy leader of bioCEED, and have the responsibility for bioCEED activities...
Two of bioCEED´s MSc students in Education who have written their Master’s thesis on bioCEED-related topics have recently completed their degree. Sara Madeleine Kristensen and Kjell Daniel Kristensen successfully defended their thesis on June 22 and June 27, respectively. Congratulations! Sara Madeleine has conducted a cross-sectional study of first...
The tenth and last session of biORAKEL for this semester was held on Thursday, June 1st. Is is now time for our oracles to get some well-deserved rest, but not without receiving our congratulations and many thanks for their enthusiastic participation and for a job well done! Initiated by highly-motivated MSc students...
More than two years ago, ArtsApp, the bioCEED funded app for species identification was launched. Students on the BIO102 (Organism Biology II) field course in Bergen were the first to try the beta release that included the identification key for Carex species (Starr, in Norwegian). Since then, ArtsApp has been...
During spring 2017, we have organized bioCEED research meetings every other week. The research group has met for one hour were the meetings have consisted of theoretical and practical discussions, and feedback on individuals’ work. We have discussed diverse themes such as motivation, self-determination theory, qualitative and quantitative methods, learning,...
For more information about this year ISSOTL conference “Reaching new heights” which takes place in Calgary during October click here
As part of a course in collegial teaching and learning in STEM education (CPC2016) arranged by bioCEED for educators at UiB and UNIS, participants presented our course projects as full papers on the EuroSoTL 2017 conference at Lund University on June 7th-9th (for a view of the papers click here). The...
As the first Norwegian institution the University of Bergen rewards excellence in teaching practice through the newly established merit system Excellent Teaching Practitioner and Pedagogical Academy. Five university teachers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will be awarded status as Excellent Teaching Practitioner in a ceremony in the University...