bioCEED news Blog

Merit system for teaching at UNIS!

Merit system for teaching at UNIS!

From 2018 UNIS will be a part of the same merit system for teaching as for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen. This was announced by the director Harald Ellingsen during this year’s Learning Forum at UNIS in October. Teachers at UNIS from all four scientific...

International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation

International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation

On November 16th, SiU and the Research Council announced the new INTPART (International Partnerships for Excellent Education, Research and Innovation) projects that have been funded. We are delighted that two projects from Department of Biology, UiB, with bioCEED support, where funded! The project Connecting hands-on-PRactice and Innovative MArine ecological sampling...

SFUs spearheading active learning and digitalization in higher education

On November 23rd-24th, the Norwegian Agency for Digital Learning in Higher Education (Norgesuniversitetet) and the University of Bergen hosted the National conference: Digitalization in higher education. The conference included topics related to the digitalization of teaching, assessment and dissemination, digital tools as support for student-active learning methods and employment relevance in...

Check out NOKUT’s podcast!

NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) has recently started its own podcast-channel “NOKUT-Podden” designed for teachers and educational experts. NOKUT-Podden comes monthly in 20 minute-long episodes dealing with current themes in higher education, interviews with guests bringing their own tips and concrete examples, etc. The first episode featured bioCEED...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Gro, I am employed as senior scientist at the Institute of Marine Research, the national applied research institute connected to the ministry of Trade and Fisheries. My personal expertise is ecology, ethology and governmental ecosystem state- and advisory reports. This means I need to keep myself informed...

bioCEED’s first movie night at UNIS

In the beginning of November, student representatives at UNIS arranged a movie night on marine plastic pollution. This evening, around 40 students, both from biology and other departments attended to learn more about, and discuss the issues related to the increasing amount of plastic in the ocean. Geir Wing Gabrielsen...

SFU-magazine #7 is now available

The Norwegian version of the seventh edition of SFU-magazine is now available on NOKUT’s website. Click here or on the picture below to read it.    

New bioCEED-paper: Developing work placements in a discipline-oriented education

Higher education is often divided into discipline-oriented and professional programs. While work placements are common in the professional programs, they are less common in discipline-oriented programs. We now offer a course in the disciplinary program in biology at the University of Bergen where students work 140 hours as biologist with...

New bioCEED-paper: The relative effect of team-based learning on motivation and learning.

A new study by bioCEED-members and collaborators from the Department of Education (UiB) and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, has been published in the scientific journal CBE-Life Sciences Education. The investigation was a quasi-experiment in which 64 students participated in traditional lectures for four weeks and then Team-Based...

Reaching new heights in Calgary – ISSOTL2017

It was a very excited group of UiB/bioCEEDers that went to Calgary, Canada, to join the ISSOTL2017 Conference – Reaching new heights. We traveled there to be conference participants and presenters, but also to learn. Next year it is our turn to host the ISSOTL conference in Bergen! Roy Andersson,...

Visiting friends in Minnesota

A few weeks back bioCEEDers Oddfrid Førland and Vigdis Vandvik visited our collaborators Sehoya Cotner and Cissy Ballen at the Biology Teaching and Learning Unit at University of Minnesota.   We got the chance to observe biology teaching in their unique active learning classrooms (picture below), and hear much about...

ArtsApp gets FINNUT grant.

On October 19th, the Research Council’s programme for Research and Innovation in the educational sector (FINNUT), granted financial support to the project “ArtsApp: How technology affects motivation and interest in learning of biological species”. The project will receive funding for the next three years. The project is led by Professor...

How to get the best job – a job application student seminar in Bergen

bioCEED’s student representatives n Bergen thought that students needed a job application seminar, specific for biologists, so… they organized it! On October 26th, 40 students, mostly master students, gathered to listen to Eivind Olsvik from Sammen Råd & Karriere and Ørjan Totland, head of the Department of Biology at UiB...

4th Learning Forum at UNIS Oct 2017

This exciting Learning Forum 2017 at UNIS is now come to an end. And here are some of the highlights! Harald Ellingsen, the Director at UNIS welcomed us all to the Learning Forum and sat the frames for the forum by going through the background, status and strategies for education...

Introducing BIO’s field course in paleoecology… in a video!

Bringing students to the field and showing them what the real life of a biologist is like is certainly one great way to give rise to vocations. Alternatively this can be the chance to spare them precious time and energy, should they come to realize that this is not the...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Jonathan, I am Engineer at bioCEED and teaching technician at the Department of Biology (BIO) in Bergen, and I’m the luckiest of all bioCEEDSters! “- Wait a second, you arrogant Frenchman! Why is it so that you can declare yourself the luckiest of us all???, I hear...

NOKUT hosts student seminar to build bridges between Centres of Excellence

13.-15. October, NOKUT invited engaged students from different organisations to a student gathering in Asker. The theme for the seminar was «students as partners in their own education: how Centres of Excellence include and stimulate students in their work». This included the development of the centres, teaching, centre projects, programme...

bioCEEDs mid-term evaluation – where to from here?

Last week bioCEED handed in the very final document in the Centre of Excellence mid-term evaluation process, our Action Plan for the next funding period, to NOKUT. Our job is now done (more about that here) and we now eagerly await the evaluation panel’s final report and the NOKUT Board’s...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

Studying biologists! My name is Torstein and I research biologists. This means that even though I work in the biology building I don’t go into the field to gather data, unless biologists ate there too. So, what in particular is interesting about biologists and how do I investigate them? First,...