bioCEED news Blog

New ways of teaching create new demands on teachers and on systems

When we introduce more student active teaching as alternatives to the traditional lecture based teaching at university, this has implications for our role as teachers. We have to develop a part of this role which, at best, has been slumbering in the shadow of a more dominant and, one might...

bioCEED’s interim evaluation is soon to begin!

bioCEED’s interim evaluation is soon to begin!

In 2014 bioCEED was awarded the status as a Centre for Excellence in Education (SFU) by NOKUT for a period of five years, first, with possibility for extension of another five years. Nearly 3 years have passed since the opening of the centre. bioCEED is now about to enter the evaluation process which...

biORAKEL – when biology students help biology students…

biORAKEL is a new, student-coordinated platform where undergraduate students can come and get help from more experienced students called oracles. These oracles are available to answer general questions from the undergraduate biology courses, and to help out with the different assignments in these courses such as reports, academic writing, sources etc. biORAKEL works with two...

iSCOPE – workshop at the University of California, Berkeley

While winter storms were pounding the UiB and UNIS campus in the transition from January to February, BIO MSc and PhD students traveled to sunny University of California at Berkeley to partake in the annual iSCOPE workshop. The workshop is part of the iSCOPE project, a joint effort between the...

Mapping the teaching landscape at UNIS and UiB

Mapping the teaching landscape at UNIS and UiB

In collaboration with our associate professor Sehoya Cotner and postdoc Cissy Ballen (University of Minnesota) bioCEED has initiated a project to map how biology faculty currently teach and what characterizes their teaching. During spring 2017 data will be collected at UNIS with emphasize on: What characterizes the student experience at AB? How do students...

New student representatives ready to join in!

New student representatives ready to join in!

Welcome to our new bioCEED student representatives at UNIS!  Malene Klakegg Vinnes and Mari Engelstad are going to join in the bioCEED team for the spring semester 2017.  bioCEED are looking very much forward to have you both in our group!   Malene Klakegg Vinnes: I am a student at...

Upcoming events February

Upcoming events February

Lunch seminar at UNIS – Higer Education for Sustainable Development. Talk by Astrid Sinnes, Associate professor in science education, NMBU. Wednesday 1 February, 14:15 – 15:00 in Kapp Schoultz Workshop at UiB – How to write a well-structured teaching portfolio bioCEED invites UiB teachers to the workshop “How to write a well-structured...

New project: Numerical Competence and Student-Active Research

The Olav Thon Foundation has granted NOK 1.4 million to bioCEED’s project “Numerical competence and student-active research”. The project will develop and extend the learning platform bioST@TS  with quantitative methods and tools, and support student participation in research programs that train these numerical skills. Biological research requires extensive use of...

Use of app to identify species helps students learn

A recently published bioCEED study has found that biology students using an app to identify sedges get more correct identifications than their peer using the traditional textbook method. The results of the experiment with 70 biology students from the University of Bergen revealed that the students found identifying species more...

Workshop on the use of blogs in teaching and assessment

On the 18th of November, bioCEED members Arild Raaheim and Torstein Hole arranged a workshop on learning and assessment through the use of blogs. This was a part of a national workshop on digital assessment in Oslo organized by Norgesuniversitetet. Through the development of our BIO298 course, we have developed...

Teachers retreat BIO 2016

The annual Teachers Retreat at Department of Biology, UiB was held at the charming Bjørnefjorden Gjestetun 30 nov- 01 Dec. 45 biology teachers, educational developers and teaching support staff were gathered for two days to discuss teaching and learning. The focus this year was on constructive alignment in the course...

Host Company/bioCEED/Prime workshop on BIO298

Since spring 2015, the internship course Bio298 has collaborated with 12 to 15 companies, organizations and research institutes to invite students to experience and blog on life as a professional biologist. After completing four terms of the course, we invited to a workshop for the collaborating institutions to exchange experiences...

ExcelAQUA and FILAMO, two new INTPART projects with bioCEED as partner

ExcelAQUA and FILAMO, two new INTPART projects with bioCEED as partner

INTPART will fund partnerships between Norwegian higher education and research institutions and excellent partners in prioritized countries. Special emphasis is on integrating higher education- and research, and may include business partners.  INTPART is an SIU and Research Council collaboration.   ExcelAQUA – Norway-Japan Partnership for Excellent Education and Research in Aquaculture...

The yearly Learning Forum at UNIS concludes with many new insights and learnings

“This provides me with tools for planning and designing my course”. “People are not so frightened anymore to discuss and share their teaching ideas and experience with each other.” “ There are so many skilled people at UNIS when it comes to practicing good learning and teaching”. “I am definitely going to...

Which qualities do biologists need in their future professional life?

On November 15th, bioCEED invited students to a meeting on the topic “Which qualities are required for future jobs in biology?”. Representatives from companies in the various fields of biology were invited to share their opinion and to answer questions from the audience. Students from both bachelor- and master level...

Four new Centres for excellence in Education

The SFU-family has grown from four to eight Centres for excellence in Education! At the annual NOKUT conference 1st November four new Centres was announced, and bioCEED congratulate and welcome them! CCSE – Center for Computing in Science Education CEFIMA – Centre of Excellence in Film and Interactive Media Arts...