bioCEED news Blog

Students look at posters at the poster symposium at VilVite

Student Poster Symposium at BIO, and beyond…

Once again, over 120 students concluded their semester by contributing to the by now traditional Student Poster Symposium at BIO with a poster and a flash presentation. Five BIO courses were represented at the event (see info box below), bringing with them topics as various as behavioral ecology, marine biology,...

Photo of Simen Hjelle

bioCEEDster: Simen S. Hjelle

My name is Simen, and I work at the University Centre in Svalbard at the Arctic biology department. I have spent some time here, both as a biology student and working in different positions an even as an intern for bioCEED. Besides my interest in biology, I also love doing...

Participants to the teachers retreat in Voss

bioCEED Teachers Retreat – finally!

The 7th annual bioCEED Teachers Retreat took place June 13th and 14th at Hotel Park Vossevangen on Voss. bioCEED was happy to announce the BIO Teachers Retreat after having to postpone several times due to pandemic restrictions. The Teachers Retreat is an annual seminar/workshop for all teachers at The Department...

UNIS bioCEED student career seminar

UNIS bioCEED student career seminar

How to study is one thing, but what to study for is a completely different matter. In order to enlighten students about future job opportunities, bioCEED organized a career seminar at UNIS on the 20th of May 2022. To represent a wide range of career options, three speakers were invited:...

Sigrunn Eliassen, Anne Bjune and Kristin Holtermann show their prize

bioCEED and BIO receive the University of Bergen Work Environment Award for the initiative with digital teachers’ meetings

University for Bergen’s Work Environment Award is an annual price honoring initiatives that promote good working environments. bioCEED and the Department of biological sciences (BIO) received this award for their digital teachers’ meetings. The digital teacher meetings were initiated during the pandemic lockdown as a response to challenge arising during...

Say hello to our bioBEES

Say hello to our bioBEES

My name is Lars Martin Myhre and I have been a bioBEE since October 2020 while taking my master’s in marine biology. I will be leaving bioCEED this June and could not have asked for a better part-time job to have during my masters. I have gained a lot of...

Invitation to apply for the course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education

Invitation to apply for the course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education

Course Information Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education is an elective teaching and learning course in higher education offered by bioCEED to all MN-UiB and UNIS¹ staff². The course is given in English and requires no previous pedagogical training and welcomes both experienced and more novice teachers and staff. On...

bioCEED students hold a presentation

Læringsfestivalen 2022 – bioCEED was there, of course…

In May, bioCEED went to Trondheim to participate in Læringsfestivalen 2022. Specifically, Lars Martin and Jørund presented on creative meaningful student partnerships, and Sehoya delivered, along with our UPED colleague  and Friend of bioCEED Yael Harlap, a keynote address on “Ensuring quality assessment practices under the two-evaluator law.» In our address,...

“Leading Educational Change – through SOTL”, final session at UNIS

The “Leading Educational Change—Through SoTL” course (LEC) met for its fourth and final course session at UNIS 20 April. The final day of the course largely involved course teams presenting updates on their course projects, initiated in the Fall at our first session in Bergen. Several presentations, manuscripts, and follow-up...

Anne Bjune at the event OPPLEV Marineholmen

3D-printed vs. real pollen grains at OPPLEV Marineholmen

At the stand visitors could get knowledge on how past vegetation can be inferred by using different palaeoproxies, and also understand how these data can tell about climate change over thousands of years. They could look at real pollen grains in the microscope and see all the great details and...

Educational Escape Room at OPPLEV Marineholmen

At Marineholmen during OPPLEV on the 23rd of April, surrounded by high-tech gaming equipment, LEGO-robots and big TV-screens bioCEED showed up with only 3 cardboard boxes on a table. Where we could not compete in technology, we certainly won in mystery, creativity, and fun! For the cardboard boxes contained not...

Field learning tools ready for exploring

The FieldPass project at UNIS has had a productive year with several teaching and assessment tools for student learning being developed and tested out. Our core team of teaching staff with a postdoc and a technician are exploring different methods to improve the way we prepare students, assess students, and...

UNISbreakfast and bioCEED seminars for fellow students

UNISbreakfast and bioCEED seminars for fellow students

The last couple of weeks the Student Representatives at UNIS have been busy with arranging two interesting UNIS events for their fellow students. The first one, a UNISbreakfast run the 2nd of March, was special since it was arranged as a collaborative effort between iEarth and bioCEED student representatives. During...

An Evidence-Based Approach to More Equitable STEM Education

The upcoming instance of the TeLEd Monthly Event Series will feature Sehoya Cotner, leader of bioCEED. In the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines women, first-generation college students, and students belonging to certain marginalized groups exhibit greater attrition than do their male peers, a gap that continues throughout most...

Bikuben’s second article, “The Insect Apocalypse” is out.

This has been an educational process for me, something I truly appreciate! – Susanne   The author Susanne Zazzera is a 23-year-old student from Stavanger who is currently doing her master in “Evolution, ecology and biodiversity” at UiB. She chose to study this programme because she finds it interesting and...

New student representatives at UNIS

Fredrik Andreas Selmer is a bachelor student from The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). Currently he is serving as a new student representative for bioCEED at UNIS. Fredrik has been at UNIS since the end of July 2021 and his interests involve the changing of the Arctic and how...

MATNAT Teachers’ Retreat…in person!

In mid-March, the College of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Bergen hosted a teachers’ retreat near Bergen’s Flesland Airport. Many bioCEED people, programs, and ideas were prominently on display at this retreat, which was focused on Feedback and Assessment. bioCEED friends Øyvind Fiksen, Christian Jørgensen, and Sigrunn...