Author: jonathans

New paper: Evolution of a portfolio-based design in ecology: a three-year design cycle

Rachelle Esterhazy (Department of Education, University of Oslo) and Øyvind Fiksen (Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen) have recently published the paper “Evolution of a portfolio-based design in ecology: a three-year design cycle” in Uniped.   Abstract Portfolio-based designs are among the most popular student-centered approaches in higher education....

Live episode of NOKUT-podden with Oddfrid Førland

Don’t miss NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. The latest episode of NOKUT-podden was broadcasted live from the NOKUT conference 2019 on January 31st. This time, the topic was: “What makes universities and university colleges such magic places?” and...

Developing Educational Excellence In Higher Education

NOKUT has just released DEVELOPING EDUCATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION: Lessons learned from the establishment and evaluation of the Norwegian Centres for Excellence in Education (SFU) initiative. This publication is a collection of reflections on developing educational excellence in higher education, written by six experts in the field of higher education (see further below). “This publication is...

New paper: Biology students at work: Using blogs to investigate personal epistemologies.

Torstein Nielsen Hole, Gaute Velle, Hanne Riese, Arild Raaheim and Anne Laure Simonelli have written an article about learning in work placements among biology students. To investigate learning they have focused on personal epistemologies. That is, students’ accounts of learning and knowing. Students have written about their learning experiences in...

Not just one, but two new episodes of NOKUT-podden!

Don’t miss NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. The latest two editions of NOKUT-podden are about: Assessment (Den om vurdering) Literacy (Den om tekstforståelse) There is much to learn from this podcast, especially if you understand Norwegian… Here are the...

Read about bioCEED’s activities in the last SFU magazine.

The latest edition of NOKUT‘s SFU-magazine is out! And it is also the last one as DIKU (The Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education) takes over the responsibility for administrating the SFU-initiative from January 1st. Among the many interesting articles in this edition, you will...

Say hello to Marius, our new bioCEEDster!

bioCEED is glad to introduce Marius Ole Johansen as a new recruit. Marius started on his position as a PhD student at the Department for Biological Sciences (UiB) on November 19th. He has a Master’s degree in Nuclear Physics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at UiB, as...

ArtsApp kick-off

The Norwegian Research Council project “ArtsApp: How technology impacts motivation and interest for learning species” recently started. The project officially started January 1st, 2018, but recently hired Lucas Jeno as the Postdoctal Fellow that will lead the research activity for the project. The project last until the end of 2021...

Former biology students share their experience at bioPUB

In October, the student representatives of bioCEED arranged a variant of bioBREAKFAST (bioPUB) together with the aquaculture student organisation “Linjeforeningen for fiskehelse og havbruk (LFFH)”. Students gathered at the student pub Integrerbar for an afternoon with talks from master and graduated UiB students who now work in the aquaculture industry....

“Students who teach”, NOKUT-podden with Sehoya Cotner

“Students who teach”, NOKUT-podden with Sehoya Cotner

Don’t miss NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. The latest edition of NOKUT-podden is about “Students who teach” and includes an interview with Sehoya Cotner, Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota and Professor II at bioCEED. There is...

biORACLE get UiB’s Learning Environment prize 2018

On September 5th, 2018, our brilliant students received UiB’s Learning Environment Prize 2018 for their project biORACLE (biORAKEL in Norwegian)! What an achievement! UiB’s Learning Environment prize is given to units, groups or individuals that have worked successfully with improving the learning enviroment and enhanced student learning. It is up...

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The EU GDPR and the bioCEED newsletter

Dear readers, The European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) regulates the way businesses process and manage personal data. Effective as of 25 May 2018 and applicable to all businesses and organisations (e.g. hospitals, public administrations, etc.), it constitutes the biggest change to the EU’s data protection rules in over 20 years (original documents and info here)....

Upcoming events: bioSEMINARS starting autumn 2018

This fall bioCEED will be conducting monthly seminars on teaching related topics.  Our aim is to provide a series of monthly seminars and workshops that will be of high relevance for teachers at BIO, but also for others interested in teaching. Once a month, teachers are invited to bring their...

bioCEED survey 2018 is now out

bioCEED is conducting a new survey on teaching and learning in biology. All major universities and university colleges in Norway with biology programs were invited to participate, and the survey is now out. This time the recipients are teachers and students. If you have received this survey, we hope you...

Much to learn from NOKUT-Podden

Don’t miss NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. There is much to learn from this podcast, especially if you understand norwegian. Here is the list of and links to recent editions: Den om studenter som partnere (with bonus material)...

Fish To Mars: a metal science opera

Among Bergen’s specialties are metal music and marine science. Any attempt to combine these two may sound like a weird challenge. However, NFR-funded project iSCOPE (integrating Science of Oceans, Physics and Education), not only takes this challenge, but pushes it even further by making it an opera! And there it is: Fish...

The 8th edition of SFU magazine is now available

NOKUT has released the norwegian edition of the 8th issue of SFU magazine. Check out bioCEED’s article on the importance of fieldwork experience in biology education “Fra abstrakt til konkret – ute i felten “. Vi vet at læring skjer gjennom deltakelse i sosial praksis der hver enkelt må tilpasse seg ulike typer sosiale...

Promoting BIO’s educational programme in marin research

Promoting BIO’s educational programme in marin research

The spring deadline for application to bachelor and master programmes is just around the corner (April 15th). Our future students must take a decision now, and it is up to us to convince them that biology is their future! BIO, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and The DigUiB Learning...