Author: jonathans

Watch Prof. Chantal Levesque-Bristol’s seminar here.

Chantal Levesque-Bristol, Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of the Center for Instructional Excellence at Purdue University, USA was invited to act as an opponent for Lucas Jeno’s PhD defense on February 16th (read more about the defense here). The day before, she held an enlightening lecture entitled “Excellence in...

bioSPIRE, a brand new student-driven project

Welcome to bioSPIRE, the latest addition to the bioCEED family of student-coordinated platforms. bioSPIRE, a subtle mix of “spire” ([ˈspiːre]: sprout in Norwegian) and “inspire”, has a double purpose: to help bachelor students in biology (the “sprouts“) get a taste of practical biology by participating to a more experienced student’s...

The oracles Season3

On February 7th will biORAKEL start again at the Department of Biological Sciences (BIO). This will be its third semester of existence, and it is looking like a very promising season for the student-driven project funded by bioCEED. No less than 12 oracles have been recruited this semester. They will work in...

On bananas and writing skills among biology students

Writing skills among young biology students is often a subject for debates and discussions. The course BIO103 taught at the Department of Biological Sciences, UiB deals with this issue by offering a short series of colloquia aiming at giving bachelor students skills in reading scientific articles, and writing better lab...

Conference on Quality Culture in Higher Education, Oslo Nov. 21st.

Conference on Quality Culture in Higher Education, Oslo Nov. 21st.

On Tuesday, November 21st, more than 160 representatives from Higher Education institutions across Norway met at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA) to discuss alignment in educational programs, at the invitation from the Ministry of Education and Research. The conference was a follow-up of the recent White...

Get prepared for a lab course in microbiology… with a video!

Teachers in BIO104 – Comparative physiology have been delivered their first video for the lab course in microbiology taught at BIO during the spring semester. The course introduces to the bi-phasic (diauxic) growth of Vibrio natriegens in a mixture of two distinct carbon sources. In this short video which you can...

New Ocean Science video tutorials – created for students by students!

Under the Teach2Learn project, master students have produced a new series of video tutorials in the course Ocean Science (BIO325), led by professor Anne Gro Vea Salvanes at the Department of Biology, UiB. The tutorials act as additional teaching support to introduce fellow students to sampling methods and instruments used to collect...

Work placement course – Dialogue with hosts

During late November, bioCEED hosted a meeting for hosts and students that are part of the work placement course at the Department of Biology. Students who enroll in the course spend 140 hours working as a biologist at a workplace. The intention of the dialogue meeting was to continue the...

Merit system for teaching at UNIS!

Merit system for teaching at UNIS!

From 2018 UNIS will be a part of the same merit system for teaching as for the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Bergen. This was announced by the director Harald Ellingsen during this year’s Learning Forum at UNIS in October. Teachers at UNIS from all four scientific...

SFUs spearheading active learning and digitalization in higher education

On November 23rd-24th, the Norwegian Agency for Digital Learning in Higher Education (Norgesuniversitetet) and the University of Bergen hosted the National conference: Digitalization in higher education. The conference included topics related to the digitalization of teaching, assessment and dissemination, digital tools as support for student-active learning methods and employment relevance in...

Check out NOKUT’s podcast!

NOKUT (the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education) has recently started its own podcast-channel “NOKUT-Podden” designed for teachers and educational experts. NOKUT-Podden comes monthly in 20 minute-long episodes dealing with current themes in higher education, interviews with guests bringing their own tips and concrete examples, etc. The first episode featured bioCEED...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Gro, I am employed as senior scientist at the Institute of Marine Research, the national applied research institute connected to the ministry of Trade and Fisheries. My personal expertise is ecology, ethology and governmental ecosystem state- and advisory reports. This means I need to keep myself informed...

bioCEED’s first movie night at UNIS

In the beginning of November, student representatives at UNIS arranged a movie night on marine plastic pollution. This evening, around 40 students, both from biology and other departments attended to learn more about, and discuss the issues related to the increasing amount of plastic in the ocean. Geir Wing Gabrielsen...

SFU-magazine #7 is now available

The Norwegian version of the seventh edition of SFU-magazine is now available on NOKUT’s website. Click here or on the picture below to read it.    

New bioCEED-paper: Developing work placements in a discipline-oriented education

Higher education is often divided into discipline-oriented and professional programs. While work placements are common in the professional programs, they are less common in discipline-oriented programs. We now offer a course in the disciplinary program in biology at the University of Bergen where students work 140 hours as biologist with...

New bioCEED-paper: The relative effect of team-based learning on motivation and learning.

A new study by bioCEED-members and collaborators from the Department of Education (UiB) and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, has been published in the scientific journal CBE-Life Sciences Education. The investigation was a quasi-experiment in which 64 students participated in traditional lectures for four weeks and then Team-Based...

Visiting friends in Minnesota

A few weeks back bioCEEDers Oddfrid Førland and Vigdis Vandvik visited our collaborators Sehoya Cotner and Cissy Ballen at the Biology Teaching and Learning Unit at University of Minnesota.   We got the chance to observe biology teaching in their unique active learning classrooms (picture below), and hear much about...

Introducing BIO’s field course in paleoecology… in a video!

Bringing students to the field and showing them what the real life of a biologist is like is certainly one great way to give rise to vocations. Alternatively this can be the chance to spare them precious time and energy, should they come to realize that this is not the...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Jonathan, I am Engineer at bioCEED and teaching technician at the Department of Biology (BIO) in Bergen, and I’m the luckiest of all bioCEEDSters! “- Wait a second, you arrogant Frenchman! Why is it so that you can declare yourself the luckiest of us all???, I hear...

ArtsApp for iOS/iPhone is now available!

ArtsApp developer Kjetil Fossheim has now completed and released the iOS version of ArtsApp. From today, both Android- and iPad/iPhone users can download and install the bioCEED funded app for species identification the app. Note that the iOS version includes a new algorithm that makes the process of identification more intuitive. And this...