Author: Tina

Online learning portal for Arctic Biology

UNIS is currently working on an online learning portal for Arctic Biology: The e-portal is still in under development, but the main structure and the general layout is in place and we are ready to fill in content. We want to build a freely available e-learning portal, where one can...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Øystein Varpe and I am a professor of ecology at The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). In bioCEED I am responsible for the work-package on Educational Leadership and am also engaged in some of our work on active learning and the collegial teaching culture. One aim within...

bioCEED offers a national teaching and learning course for all BIO departments in Norway

bioCEED offers a national teaching and learning course for all BIO departments in Norway

Collegial Teaching and Learning – in Biology Education as an elective course in teaching and learning for teachers in higher education. The course consists of two separate units corresponding to two plus one (three) weeks of full-time work. The language of instruction is Norwegian/Swedish or English. This time, the course...

Teach2Learn: New video tutorials available

Teach2Learn: New video tutorials available

Teachers of the course BIO216 – Toxicology can now benefit from of a newly created video tutorial to help students preparing for the practical part of the course. Video tutorials are implemented in various courses at the University of Bergen and at the University Centre in Svalbard through the Teach2Learn...

ISSOTL18 – Call for proposals

Deadline for proposals extended to April 8th. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 15th annual conference, which will be hosted in Bergen, Norway, from October 24 to 27, 2018. International scholars and educators will come together to share recent work and...

Biology leaders discussed pedagogical training for staff

The 2018 meeting in the National Forum for Educational Leadership in Biology took place in early March, this time at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). As is now a tradition, the meeting was run back-to-back with the spring meeting of Biofagrådet. The forum-topic this year was about pedagogical training...

Communication of science: Environmental pollutants in marine mammals and children

Communication of science: Environmental pollutants in marine mammals and children

A bioCEED student seminar with researcher Gro D. Villanger The seminar was successful with 44 students joining in from all four departments (biology, geology, technology and geophysics). The scientific theme of the seminar was environmental pollutants, their effects on arctic marine fauna and how this could be combined with research on health issues in...

bioCEED seminar – “A Generic Peer Review Concept”

bioCEED seminar – “A Generic Peer Review Concept”

Roy Andersson from the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University held a one hour lunch workshop 12th of March for faculty members at UNIS on student peer assessment. Here Roy gave the participants a concrete experience in how they in a controlled way could perform student peer review of written exam...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Sigrunn Eliassen and I am associate professor at the Department of Biological Sciences. In my research, I am particularly interested in the evolution of mating systems, and I spend a lot time wondering about why birds stray. In bioCEED I lead the work package on learning environments...

Internship course at UNIS on its way!

From the coming autumn, students with prior experience in Arctic Biology can apply for the new course AB-208 “Internship in Arctic Biology”. This 15 ECTS-course offers the possibility to gain work experience at a company in Longyearbyen, while at the same time attending a series of seminars, where students can...

Full attendance at first bioBreakfast-talk 2018

Full attendance at first bioBreakfast-talk 2018

bioBreakfast is a pilot project at UNIS, arranged by the bioCEED student representatives. The project is aiming for students inspiring and advising each other across graduate levels and faculties, with a main focus on biology topics. The purpose of bioBreakfast is to invite master and PhD students to have a...

biORACLE at the OIKOS-conference

The message of biORACLE was spread at the poster session of the OIKOS conference in Trondheim this month, with the intention of inspiring others to start up similar projects at their home institutions. The importance of inviting students into a safe learning environment with tools such as waffles, coffee and...

SIU: Project funding coming up!

The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in education (SIU) has now open calls for applications for funding in six programmes aimed at cooperation in higher education with countries outside the EU. Total funding available is approximately NOK 136 million: INPART: 24 April 2018 NORPART: 31 May 2018 Partnership programme with North America:...

Annual report 2017

Are you curious about what bioCEED achieved during 2017? Peek into our annual report HERE.

Are the teachers actually so negative towards their students’ qualifications?

Are the teachers actually so negative towards their students’ qualifications?

On January 10th, NOKUT launched a report based on the Teacher Survey (Underviserundersøkelsen), which received much attention in national media. From headlines in newspapers and other media we were led to believe that a large part of teachers were particularly dissatisfied with the qualifications students entering their programs had to...

Welcome to new student representatives at UNIS

We are happy to say welcome to our new student representatives at UNIS – Henninge and Jenny! They will join us in the bioCEED team for one semester and will be responsible among other things for arranging the bioCEED student meetings and running the bioBREAKFAST. Henninge is a biology student...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Pernille Bronken Eidesen, and I am working as Associate professor in the Arctic Biology department at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). Our department is one of the four main partners in bioCEED. I am the deputy leader of bioCEED, and have the responsibility for bioCEED activities...

ArtsApp gets FINNUT grant.

On October 19th, the Research Council’s programme for Research and Innovation in the educational sector (FINNUT), granted financial support to the project “ArtsApp: How technology affects motivation and interest in learning of biological species”. The project will receive funding for the next three years. The project is led by Professor...

How to get the best job – a job application student seminar in Bergen

bioCEED’s student representatives n Bergen thought that students needed a job application seminar, specific for biologists, so… they organized it! On October 26th, 40 students, mostly master students, gathered to listen to Eivind Olsvik from Sammen Råd & Karriere and Ørjan Totland, head of the Department of Biology at UiB...