bioCEED news Blog

UNIS teachers share good practice at seminars

Two collegial sharing sessions during this spring brought teaching staff across departments at UNIS together to discuss and share their experience on teaching matters. The sessions which will continue also this coming fall are open to teaching staff and PhD students. They are run as 45-60 min sessions where people can bring...

Online learning portal for Arctic Biology

UNIS is currently working on an online learning portal for Arctic Biology: The e-portal is still in under development, but the main structure and the general layout is in place and we are ready to fill in content. We want to build a freely available e-learning portal, where one can...

Upcoming events: bioSEMINARS starting autumn 2018

This fall bioCEED will be conducting monthly seminars on teaching related topics.  Our aim is to provide a series of monthly seminars and workshops that will be of high relevance for teachers at BIO, but also for others interested in teaching. Once a month, teachers are invited to bring their...

bioCEED survey 2018 is now out

bioCEED is conducting a new survey on teaching and learning in biology. All major universities and university colleges in Norway with biology programs were invited to participate, and the survey is now out. This time the recipients are teachers and students. If you have received this survey, we hope you...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Øystein Varpe and I am a professor of ecology at The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). In bioCEED I am responsible for the work-package on Educational Leadership and am also engaged in some of our work on active learning and the collegial teaching culture. One aim within...

Much to learn from NOKUT-Podden

Don’t miss NOKUT-podden, the podcast on higher education produced by NOKUT, the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education. There is much to learn from this podcast, especially if you understand norwegian. Here is the list of and links to recent editions: Den om studenter som partnere (with bonus material)...

Fish To Mars: a metal science opera

Among Bergen’s specialties are metal music and marine science. Any attempt to combine these two may sound like a weird challenge. However, NFR-funded project iSCOPE (integrating Science of Oceans, Physics and Education), not only takes this challenge, but pushes it even further by making it an opera! And there it is: Fish...

The 8th edition of SFU magazine is now available

NOKUT has released the norwegian edition of the 8th issue of SFU magazine. Check out bioCEED’s article on the importance of fieldwork experience in biology education “Fra abstrakt til konkret – ute i felten “. Vi vet at læring skjer gjennom deltakelse i sosial praksis der hver enkelt må tilpasse seg ulike typer sosiale...

bioCEED offers a national teaching and learning course for all BIO departments in Norway

bioCEED offers a national teaching and learning course for all BIO departments in Norway

Collegial Teaching and Learning – in Biology Education as an elective course in teaching and learning for teachers in higher education. The course consists of two separate units corresponding to two plus one (three) weeks of full-time work. The language of instruction is Norwegian/Swedish or English. This time, the course...

Teach2Learn: New video tutorials available

Teach2Learn: New video tutorials available

Teachers of the course BIO216 – Toxicology can now benefit from of a newly created video tutorial to help students preparing for the practical part of the course. Video tutorials are implemented in various courses at the University of Bergen and at the University Centre in Svalbard through the Teach2Learn...

ISSOTL18 – Call for proposals

Deadline for proposals extended to April 8th. The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 15th annual conference, which will be hosted in Bergen, Norway, from October 24 to 27, 2018. International scholars and educators will come together to share recent work and...

Biology leaders discussed pedagogical training for staff

The 2018 meeting in the National Forum for Educational Leadership in Biology took place in early March, this time at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS). As is now a tradition, the meeting was run back-to-back with the spring meeting of Biofagrådet. The forum-topic this year was about pedagogical training...

Communication of science: Environmental pollutants in marine mammals and children

Communication of science: Environmental pollutants in marine mammals and children

A bioCEED student seminar with researcher Gro D. Villanger The seminar was successful with 44 students joining in from all four departments (biology, geology, technology and geophysics). The scientific theme of the seminar was environmental pollutants, their effects on arctic marine fauna and how this could be combined with research on health issues in...

bioCEED seminar – “A Generic Peer Review Concept”

bioCEED seminar – “A Generic Peer Review Concept”

Roy Andersson from the Faculty of Engineering, Lund University held a one hour lunch workshop 12th of March for faculty members at UNIS on student peer assessment. Here Roy gave the participants a concrete experience in how they in a controlled way could perform student peer review of written exam...

bioCEEDSters – on the inside of bioCEED!

My name is Sigrunn Eliassen and I am associate professor at the Department of Biological Sciences. In my research, I am particularly interested in the evolution of mating systems, and I spend a lot time wondering about why birds stray. In bioCEED I lead the work package on learning environments...

Promoting BIO’s educational programme in marin research

Promoting BIO’s educational programme in marin research

The spring deadline for application to bachelor and master programmes is just around the corner (April 15th). Our future students must take a decision now, and it is up to us to convince them that biology is their future! BIO, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and The DigUiB Learning...

ISSOTL18 – Call for proposals

The International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning invites you to join its 15th annual conference, which will be hosted in Bergen, Norway, from October 24 to 27, 2018. International scholars and educators will come together to share recent work and to discuss how our collective efforts will...

Watch Prof. Chantal Levesque-Bristol’s seminar here.

Chantal Levesque-Bristol, Professor of Educational Psychology and Director of the Center for Instructional Excellence at Purdue University, USA was invited to act as an opponent for Lucas Jeno’s PhD defense on February 16th (read more about the defense here). The day before, she held an enlightening lecture entitled “Excellence in...

Internship course at UNIS on its way!

From the coming autumn, students with prior experience in Arctic Biology can apply for the new course AB-208 “Internship in Arctic Biology”. This 15 ECTS-course offers the possibility to gain work experience at a company in Longyearbyen, while at the same time attending a series of seminars, where students can...

bioCEED congratulates PhD Lucas Jeno

February 16th Lucas Jeno successfully defended his doctoral dissertation “The antecedents and consequences of students´ autonomous motivation. The relation between need-support, motivation, and academic achievement” and completed his PhD degree at the University of Bergen! You can read a short summary of Lucas’ work here. The day started with Lucas giving...