bioCEED news Blog

Midterm evaluations go OpenScience!

Midterm evaluations go OpenScience!

Kudos to MatRiC – for sharing material end experiences from the Centre’s mid-term evaluation Centers of Excellence are large-scale, long-term projects, and it’s only fair that our funders want to touch base properly (beyond the annual reports) at least once during that period to evaluate whether the funding is well...

Teach2Learn back on Svalbard

This last week in September our Te2Le project team visited UNIS for a new production round of student tutorials. This year the student tutorials are based on the student project work at the Terrestrial Arctic Biology course (AB-201) where the students have been collecting the data material along the western and northern coast of...

bioCEED leader Vigdis visits NOKUTs new Podcast

bioCEED leader Vigdis Vandvik visited the brand new podcast series by NOKUT – discussing how teachers in HigherED could get better at discussing teaching and learning. Available at SoundCloud and iTunes – sadly only in Norwegian. Follow NOKUT on Facebook to get updated on new episodes! And read the follow-up...

Travelogue from Svalbard

As a Norwegian, one wishes to enjoy the full length of summer when it finally appears. Therefore, it was natural for us to spend the entire summer in Svalbard. Sure, we had freezing winds and an average temperature of 6°C, but we got to experience the midnight sun and Svalbard’s...

New semester brings in new student representatives!

As the fall semester has begun at UNIS, we are happy to welcome Ingvild Eldøy and Svein Keizer as our new bioCEED student representatives in the north! Ingvild is from NTNU and is planning to become a teacher in biology and chemistry. Sven is originally from the Netherlands, but is studying biology at Nord University...

Funding possibilities for learning and teaching

A variety of opportunities to apply for grant money are available to support educational initiatives in higher education. Below you’ll find information on some upcoming funding opportunities: SIU:  Various relevant calls: Norgesuniversitetet: – Application deadline 20 October The Research Council of Norway – FINNUT: – Application deadline...

Learning Forum at UNIS in October

Soon it is time for the yearly Learning Forum at UNIS, which will take place from 24 – 26 October. This year 65 participants have signed up. The Learning Forum is an event where the entire UNIS teaching staff can share and gain knowledge regarding research based education, course construction...

Semester start for biORACLE in Bergen

This semester we have some old and some new faces among the biORACLE crew. Ragnhild and Mari are still the leaders, organizing all of it, and we have ten great oracles on the team. This term we are going for one oracle meeting every week on Wednesdays from 14-17. So...

ArtsApp for iOS/iPhone is now available!

ArtsApp developer Kjetil Fossheim has now completed and released the iOS version of ArtsApp. From today, both Android- and iPad/iPhone users can download and install the bioCEED funded app for species identification the app. Note that the iOS version includes a new algorithm that makes the process of identification more intuitive. And this...

bioCEED master students graduate.

Two of bioCEED´s MSc students in Education who have written their Master’s thesis on bioCEED-related topics have recently completed their degree. Sara Madeleine Kristensen and Kjell Daniel Kristensen successfully defended their thesis on June 22 and June 27, respectively. Congratulations!   Sara Madeleine has conducted a cross-sectional study of first...

ArtsApp reborn!

More than two years ago, ArtsApp, the bioCEED funded app for species identification was launched. Students on the BIO102 (Organism Biology II) field course in Bergen were the first to try the beta release that included the identification key for Carex species (Starr, in Norwegian). Since then, ArtsApp has been...

Summary of research group meetings in Bergen

During spring 2017, we have organized bioCEED research meetings every other week. The research group has met for one hour were the meetings have consisted of theoretical and practical discussions, and feedback on individuals’ work. We have discussed diverse themes such as motivation, self-determination theory, qualitative and quantitative methods, learning,...

Five university teachers awarded Excellent Teaching Practitioner status at the University of Bergen

As the first Norwegian institution the University of Bergen rewards excellence in teaching practice through the newly established merit system Excellent Teaching Practitioner and Pedagogical Academy. Five university teachers at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences will be awarded status as Excellent Teaching Practitioner in a ceremony in the University...

bioCEED at EuroSOTL 2017

This year’s participants in the bioCEED course Collegial Teaching and Learning in STEM Education will present their group projects in Lund at the conference EuroSoTL 2017– Transforming patterns through the scholarship of teaching and learning, June 8-9. The conference has a very interesting programme, including the papers from the bioCEED...

BioCEED at the Learning festival “Læringsfestivalen” in Trondheim 8-9 of May

The annual Learning festival in Trondheim aimed to introduce new, effective and exciting learning methods in higher education, and inspire and motivate educators to use them.. The program provided a variety of interesting topics, including sessions on for instance flipped classrooms, team-based learning, co-operative learning, and use of “serious games”...

Writing seminar for students at UNIS

Writing seminar for students at UNIS

On the 5th of May, the biology students at UNIS was introduced on how to write scientific papers by Kit Kovacs from the Norwegian Polar Institute. Kit  has, in addition to writing book chapters, reports and popular articles, written over 200 publications, some of them published in journals like Science. During the seminar, Kit touch several themes...

bioCEED research group meeting on organizational ethnography

bioCEED research group meeting on organizational ethnography

On May 12th  the bioCEED research group had a meeting on ethnography, with special focus on organizational and short-term ethnography. Ethnography is one of the main approaches in qualitative method and we discussed how it can be used to investigate teaching practices, knowledge, and culture. Ethnography doesn’t have to be...